Venezuela:The provisional president sends a delegation to the Vatican

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 23:25

Guaidó’s delegation from Venezuela was received yesterday on both sides of the Tiber: at the Viminale (Seat of Italy’s prime minister and of the ministry of interior), at the Farnesina (headquarters of Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and at the Vatican. While the provisional president wrote an open "Letter to the Italian people" to obtain support, recognition and humanitarian aid.

Fr. Rif’at Bader tells ZENIT why Pope’s historic trip to UAE is so important

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/10/2019 - 23:37

What distinguishes the United Arab Emirates? According to a Church official in Jordan, it is its welcome, even with its restrictions, to Christians worldwide, who seek a good livelihood and a safe haven.

Speaking to ZENIT, Fr. Rif’at Bader, Director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Jordan, stressed this, explaining how the Pope’s visit was significant to the Christian community.

Venezuela: After Maduro also Guaidó appeals to the Pope, invites him to Caracas

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 21:42

I wonder if this were not the turning point for the Venezuelan crisis. Because after Maduro, now Guaidó is also asking for Pope Francis’ intervention on a mediation. And he also invited him to Caracas. Two days after the Pope himself, on the flight back from his trip to the United Arab Emirates, said that for a Vatican diplomatic intervention the will and the request of both parties would be needed first.

Pope Francis: Journey to UAE part of the “surprises” of God

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/06/2019 - 20:15

At his General Audience on Wednesday, February 6, Pope Francis reflected on his Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates.

Although brief, the Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates “wrote a new page in the history of dialogue between Christianity and Islam,” Pope Francis said Wednesday, “and in the commitment to promote peace in the world on the basis of human fraternity”.

Pope Francis' visit to UAE reflects the true meaning of peaceful coexistence

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/03/2019 - 13:09

A while ago, I titled one of my pastoral letters “If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone”, those wise words taken from a verse in Romans 12:18 in the New Testament. In it, I focused on the life of Saint Francis of Assisi and his prayer “Make me a channel of your peace”. Now, four years later, the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia is returning to that same prayer, as we witness the first ever visit by a Pope to the Arabian Peninsula.

The Ukrainian issue fractures the Orthodox world

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/29/2019 - 22:21

The creation of a new Ukrainian church under the auspices of the Constantinople Patriarchate has deeply divided the churches of the Orthodox world. Both canonical and geopolitical, the dispute has centered around the issue of the primacy of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

On the eve of Orthodox Christmas on Jan. 5, during a solemn ceremony at the patriarchal church of St. George in Istanbul, the Primate of Constantinople, Patriarch Bartholomew, officially confirmed the creation of the new autocephalous or independent Church of the Ukraine.