Pope WYD Panama: Homily at concluding Mass - full text

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 01/27/2019 - 23:14

On Sunday, January 27, was the final day of the World Youth Day in Panama City. Pope Francis celebrated an open-air Holy Mass at the capital’s Metro Park to conclude the WYD.

Following is the full text of the Pope's homily:

Metro Park, 27 January 2019

“The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them: ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing’” (Lk 4:20-21).

WYD: Pope heard the confessions of five young detainees

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/26/2019 - 13:43

"Friends, each of us is much more than our labels." Pope Francis has no doubt, and with these words, he encourages the young people detained in the Centro de Cumplimiento de Menores Las Garzas de Pacora. It is the first time that a pontiff at WYD listens to the confessions of some young detained in a juvenile prison. It happens here today in Panama, where he denounces: "How painful it is to see a society concentrate its energies more on complaining rather than on creating opportunities”.

Text of Pope’s address to young detainees at penitential liturgy in Panama

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/25/2019 - 22:23

Following is the Vatican-provided text of Pope Francis’ address at the Penitential Liturgy with young detainees in the Centro de Cumplimiento de Menores Las Garzas de Pacora in Panama, during the second full day of his Apostolic Visit to the country to celebrate World Youth Day 2019:

“He receives sinners and eats with them”. We just heard this at the beginning of the Gospel reading (Lk 15:2). They are the words muttered by some of the Pharisees and scribes who were greatly upset and scandalized by the way Jesus was acting.

Francis begins crucial year of his pontificate in Panama

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/23/2019 - 14:06

Pope Francis begins a decisive season of his pontificate right in “his” Latin America. He is going to Panama to meet young people at WYD, but also to start tackling in the Amazon, issues such as the defense of the indigenous peoples and the environment - in view of the special Synod in October. 2019 presents itself as the year in which many of the “battles” of the 82-year-old Argentine Pontiff, who is implementing a reform of the Church, will come to a conclusion. His hope is that many knots will finally come undone this year.

Miracle at Cana about much more than a lesson on marriage

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 01/20/2019 - 18:54

This Sunday, the Church slows things down and enters back into a self-described Ordinary Time. All of the major feasts have passed, and believers are now invited to walk again with the Lord Jesus and re-hear his Gospel message of love and mercy. In order to mark the shift, the Church clothes herself in green, the color of hope and growth. Always a teacher, the Church takes on externally what believers should foster internally.

Pope: No to pride, to injustice and to division among Christians

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/19/2019 - 22:29

Pope Francis warned against the risk of being blind to the gifts given to other Christians, as he opened the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in the Roman basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls,on Friday,January 18, explaining that “it is a grave sin to belittle or despise the gifts that the Lord has given our brothers and sisters” and warning that if "we entertain such thoughts, we allow the very grace we have received to become a source of pride, injustice and division”.

Pope in Abu Dhabi will build on relations with Muslims

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 15:31

When Pope Francis visits Abu Dhabi February 3-5, he will visit a land where inter-religious tolerance is mandated by law; while Catholics in the United Arab Emirates count their blessings for that, the pope is expected to nudge for something more.

Tolerance is praiseworthy, and Catholics in the Emirates do not take it for granted. But for Pope Francis, the next step - and often a big one - is mutual knowledge, respect and cooperation.

Hope for the new year comes through fraternity

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 15:08

The word with which to open 2019 is the one launched by the Holy Father in his Urbi et Orbi discourse on Christmas day: fraternity. A word that indicates the truth that “is the basis of the Christian vision of humanity”. A vision that hinges on the harmony between unity and diversity, the very heart of fraternity. If this harmony exists, “our differences, then, are not a detriment or a danger; they are a source of richness. As when an artist is about to make a mosaic: it is better to have tiles of many colours available, rather than just a few!”.