Will unity among Churches ensure the survival of Christians in the Middle East?

Submitted by munir on Sun, 09/25/2022 - 09:24

Over the years, Christian unity has been one of the cardinal and major aspirations of Christians living in all parts of the world. It is the ultimate objective that one day, or rather soon, will come to reality with all Christians worldwide praying in unison seeking the mercy and protection of the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ.

An intriguing question: How do Christians of the East view the future?

Submitted by munir on Sun, 09/18/2022 - 09:26

How do Christians of the East view the future? This is the question that many find hard to answer, while many others keep pondering the prevailing situation and wondering about the future awaiting the Christians of the East particularly with the eruption of what is termed as "the Arab Spring" over a decade ago that wreaked extensive havoc in several Arab and Middle Eastern countries, and snowballed into millions of people leaving the countries of their ancestors where hope is waning to a minimum, while seeking a new life in other countries  with the hope that they would find a better fut

What is the mystery of the number 666, as mentioned in the Holy Bible's Book of Revelation?

Submitted by munir on Sun, 09/11/2022 - 11:08

The Holy Bible is the most invaluable book ever. It contains treasures of love, care, and sacrifice aimed at saving humanity and strewing its trodden path with divine roses of blessing emanating from the Word of God. This is the master of all books and the non-corrupted Word of God. The more one reads the Holy Bible, the more one delves into the secrets of life, as well as gets familiar with mundane life and the after-life.


"She left the police force to become a soldier promoting God's message of love"

Submitted by munir on Mon, 09/05/2022 - 10:38

A soldier is not only  someone who defends one's country and ensures a safe homeland by maintaining its social peace, but also the one who walks in the steps of Lord Jesus Christ with the aim of saving souls and ensuring that the word of God ranks high in societies so that love, peace, harmony, and common living would prevail.