Umm El-Jimal… added on UNESCO World Heritage List

Submitted by munir on Sun, 07/28/2024 - 15:56

From India, it was announced that Umm El-Jimal was added on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is not something strange with relevance to the history of Umm El-Jimal, as it was a major center for the resting of caravans, hence the name "Umm El-Jimal" refers to those coming from the East to the Levant and the West, passing through the city of Petra, as many caravans were coming from India, the country from where this announcement was made days ago.


Holy Land: The Pontifical Mission is a mission of Divine Mercy

Submitted by munir on Thu, 07/25/2024 - 15:03

Among the great measures undertaken by the Catholic Church towards the oppressed and suffering people was the establishment of the Pontifical Mission in Palestine.


After UN General Assembly’s adoption of a plan for the partition of Palestine on 29 November 1947, renewed hostilities began between Arabs and Jews which brought affliction and anxiety to the heart of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XII. He asked for supplications “that the situation in Palestine may at long last be settled justly and thereby concord and peace be also happily established.”


Religion… and the participation in political life

Submitted by munir on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 13:38

Questions are being addressed nowadays, stating: “What is your role in the Church, and what is the role of the clergy in general in the upcoming parliamentary elections? For this reason, the Cultural Committee of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, which is affiliated with the Latin Patriarchate in Tla’ Al-‘Ali, Amman, has held a panel discussion moderated by Dr.

Fr. Ibrahim Faltas reflects on Gaza schoolchildren’s future

Submitted by munir on Thu, 06/27/2024 - 10:54

These days, around 39,000 pupils in Gaza would have had to take their school-leaving exams. Like many other Palestinian students, like many other Israeli students, like many other students around the world. The graduation exam is important, it marks a stage in life, it is the transition to adulthood.

There would have been 39,000 students, but nobody can know who didn't show up for the exam because they are no longer there or because their body is still under the rubble.

The Film ‘Jesus Thirsts’ is like no other film

Submitted by munir on Tue, 06/25/2024 - 07:43

People watch films in general for entertainment, yet there are films that leave indelible and everlasting impressions upon viewers. Such films touch deeply on people's feelings towards various impressive aspects of life.


One of the most ever-renowned films is "‘Jesus Thirsts’ whereby"“viewers, often with tears in their eyes, have rediscovered a beauty in their faith that they had perhaps only glimpsed before. Many fallen-away Catholics and those outside the Church have shared how the film illuminated for them the very heart of Catholicism.”