In the course of the activities of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Jordan, CCSM Director Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader has taken the lead by unstintingly calling for promoting interfaith dialogue, harmony, common living, and peace in the Middle East--which has been wrought for decades by successive waves of conflicts and instability--through holding lectures, conferences, and various kinds of gatherings.
In a recent interview with the Vatican media, Fr. Bader reflects on various issues relevant to the current affairs while noting that “hope in the Holy Land can be found in Jordan". Fr. Bader, who left for Rome ahead of the 'Jordan: Dawn of Christianity' exhibition in the Vatican held at the Vatican's Palazzo Della Cancelleria on January 31-February 28, 2025, elaborates on how Jordan offers hope to refugees, and invites pilgrims to rediscover the roots of Christianity in Jordan, especially ahead of the nation's 2030 Jubilee.
While Fr. Bader stressed that he is privileged to be in Rome after having been invited to participate as director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media, and representing the Latin Patriarchate's Media Office in Jordan, in the Jubilee of Communications, the first Jubilee celebration for the categories in the Catholic Church, he says, “when I heard about the private audience with Pope Francis, in Jordan, I made a special picture for the Holy Father of the church at the Baptism site, which in early January was inaugurated by Cardinal Parolin as a special envoy of His Holiness Pope Francis.” Quoting the Holy Father's letter last October to the Christians in the Middle East, who said, talking to the Middle East's Christians that in their sacred lands, that they are to be "sprouts of hope,” an inscription was added to the image stating, “there are also the sprouts, the blossoms of hope in the Jubilee Year of Hope. He addressed the Pope saying, "This is the new church of the baptism site" and "there are your words for the Christians in the East."
With reference to the key role played by Fr. Bader, who exerted mammoth efforts during the inauguration of the church at the Baptism Site of Jesus on the Jordan River which was one of his ne plus ultra endeavors, he said: “We built this church, after 15 years of waiting. Pope Benedict XVI blessed the first stone with the presence of His Majesty King Abdullah and Queen Rania. It was a long way to wait until that moment, which came this year, the inauguration of the new baptismal church, and we also started the five years of preparations for the Great Jubilee of Jordan."
During the inauguration ceremony on January 10, 2025, he recalled the laying the foundation stone for this Church, which took place on May 10, 2009, when His Holiness the late Pope Benedict XVI laid the foundation stone, in the company of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein and Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, where he said at the time: "The memory of Christ’s own baptism is brought vividly before us in this place… down through the centuries, many pilgrims have come to Jordan to seek purification, renew their faith and draw closer to the Lord. Such was the pilgrim Egeria, who left a written account of her visit during the late fourth century."
While stressing that “Jordan is always a land of hope, especially for the refugees. It is a welcoming country, a welcooming land that hosted all the vulnerable and injured people from Iraq, from Syria, from Palestine, and some of the injured people who came from Gaza also, as well as all the aid that we sent to Gaza,” he adds, “We will continue, as Jordanians, creating hope. Telling the story of hope is telling the story of Jordan which gives hope for the vulnerable people.” Fr. Bader also welcomed His Holiness Pope Francis’ remarks on the possibility of choosing a date for Easter stating that “this means a lot for us, especially those who are living in the Middle East, because we have many denominations, many churches… we are waiting for our brothers in the sister Churches to accept this invitation and to work toward full unity, starting with celebrating Easter together.”
It is worthy to note that the CCSM was launched on February 8, 2012 as a non-profit organization with the purpose of enhancing and promoting the intellectual and media movements within the Jordanian society and abroad. It is part of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and functions through the Latin Vicariate in Amman.
The CCSM aims at introducing enlightenment in the public opinion, shedding light on the concept of faith, promoting Christian unity in Jordan and worldwide, consolidating the Christian presence in the Middle through the Latin Patriarchate organizations and the churches in general, as well as reinforcing good citizenship based on equality, rights and duties.
The CCSM also strives to strengthen inter-religious dialogue, establish relations with easterners who live the Diaspora, promote religion in the service of peace, and encourage pilgrimage to Jordan being part of the Holy Land.
The CCSM has served as a regional oasis that disseminates love and understanding among the various components of the Jordanian society. It has two electronic sites in English and Arabic which post news items that reflect local and regional affairs touching on religious and political affairs. Furthermore, it holds seminars with respective local associations, and takes part in various regional and international conferences that aim at entrenching peace, solidarity and cooperation.