“Jordan the Dawn of Christianity”: A nonpareil exhibition in modern time
January 31- February 28 will mark an outstanding event in the history of Christianity.
January 31- February 28 will mark an outstanding event in the history of Christianity.
With the recent dramatic developments in Syria that led to a change in the ruling system, large masses of Syrian prisoners were set free.
In his remarkable book, titled, "Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril", His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein describes his visit to the Baptism Site in 2009, and refers to it on page 336 saying: “Queen Rania and I went to Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where the Baptism Site is located, in the company of Pope Benedict, where the Pontiff blessed the foundation stones of two new churches, namely the Latin Archdiocese, and the Greek Catholic Archdiocese."
The first star is from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Tla' Al-Ali, where the nativity scene was designed in the shape of a map of the Holy Land, namely conjoined Jordan and Palestine.
With the world marking Christmas, the birth of Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace, the world continues to suffer from waves of wars, hunger, and instability particularly in the Middle East. It is a groaning world with shed blood seeping heavily in several parts of the world.
During Christmas, people worldwide offer prayers and raise their hands high in prayer seeking the Prince of Peace’s mercy and divine intervention to silence the sounds of war as well as to help “beat swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks.” (Isaiah 2:4)
Since His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein’s ascension to the Throne, he has been embarking on welcoming the heads of Churches in Jordan and Palestine to convey to them well wishes marking Christmas and the start of the new year. This took place since 1999, namely since the first Christmas of the reign of His Majesty King Abdullah II. As we mark the silver jubilee of His Majesty‘s ascension to the Throne, we also mark the silver jubilee of this annual Christmas meeting, which has taken on the character of a distinctive, necessary, and inspiring annual meeting.
n a world dominated by violence, crime, as well as lust for power and money, so many people realize that the world has become so cruel by turning a deaf ear to people’s concerns, with trespasses being committed at a large scale and on daily bases.
Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Lina Annab has lit Christmas trees in the most important religious historical sites in our beloved Jordan. She started this process at the Baptism Site, then proceeded to top of Mount Nebo as it is the first time that a Christmas tree was lit on top of Mount Mar Elias in Ajloun. The minister, alongside members of staff of the ministry and the Jordan Tourism Board, will continue to plant and light the Tree of Hope in our beloved Jordan.
A quarter of a century ago, the entire humanity was awaiting the great event, namely the start of the third millennium marking the start of years crossing the second millennium barrier, which was called at the time the Great Jubilee Year. At the time, the world with all its shades got ready for that year, and tourism in particular was a major concern for the major tourist countries which undoubtedly benefited from the resuscitation of the tourism sector.
As the holiday season approaches, particularly Christmas, conversations in social circles often take on a near-pessimistic tone concerning the future of the Christian presence in the Middle East. The signs of decline have become increasingly apparent, a reality that does not bode well, unless communities recognize the gravity of this rapid depletion and act accordingly.
Optimists argue that Christian presence is neither inevitable nor irreversible. With proper planning and swift action, this decline can be addressed.