Tears and best wishes for Christmas

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/24/2014 - 16:51

At Christmas God shows us that He has not tired of us. Despite so many wars, injustice, torture, persecution, God has not stopped trusting in man and comes to his aid. The world lives of sterile immobility and apocalyptic terror. With Jesus' birth the world began to change and there are witnesses of hope in Iraq, in Hong Kong, in the Middle East. The revolution of solidarity.

The Pope’s letter to Christians in the Middle East: 'I suffer with you'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 23:33

Pope Francis condemns the violence of the Islamic State, asks for an intervention from the international community and supports ecumenism and dialogue with Islam. He also says that he hopes to have the chance to come to those Christian communities in person and to visit and to comfort them.

The Incarnation is both pure grace and a work in progress

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 18:27

Theology can seem as distant from reality as a greeting card is from the terror of that first Christmas: a homeless couple with newborn, the sound of hoof-beats, the slaughter of innocents, desert flight to alien status in a strange land.

But theology is all we have to articulate a different outcome for our reality, so shadowed by trouble and rumors of more trouble to come, one world collapsing under its own weight with no sign yet of another world emerging more attentive to the needs of basic human community.

Pope Francis: "May Christmas be free from all worldliness"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 18:11

At the Angelus the Pope “Too often God knocks at our door but we are so caught up in our thoughts and concerns we do not even notice.”

“If you feel this wish to be better, it is He who is knocking. Don’t let him pass you by! Let us open our doors to Christ,” Francis urged faithful speaking off the cuff at the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter’s Square which is now graced by a huge Christmas tree and Nativity Scene.

Christmas in Lebanon: Iraqi refugees remember a happier time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 17:32

The Christmas atmosphere of ornaments and carols that permeates the streets and shops of the low-income area of Ras el-Dekwaneh in north Beirut stops at the threshold of a small room in a narrow alley, which the joyous atmosphere does not seem to reach.

The door opens to a family whose members' faces are tinged with great sadness and whose children's eyes have lost the sparkle and enthusiasm of being engrossed with decorating for Christmas.

Vatican: The key steps that led to the thaw in US-Cuba relations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 00:11

Thanks to its mediation role in the process of reconciliation between Cuba and the US, Vatican diplomacy finds itself back at the centre of the international stage. The good news of the thaw in relations was met with the Pope’s joy and came as a pleasant surprise to the ambassadors accredited to the Holy See.

Francis’ diplomacy: “A work of small steps”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 00:06

The “noble” actions of those who believe in dialogue and negotiation.

In an age when many, at different levels, consider the terms “dialogue” and “diplomacy” as equivalent to do-goodery and feeble compliance, when they are not believed to be as effective as swear words, the message the Americas have sent out with the thaw in US-Cuna relations is a significant one.

Will Christmas come to Iraq?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/19/2014 - 16:41

The holiday season is in full swing, with many Canadians enjoying the carefree pleasures of Christmas office parties and concerts. Others are looking forward to attending Christmas Eve church services, or getting together with family and friends over a turkey dinner.

But halfway around the world, Christmas will be anything but carefree for Iraq's persecuted Christian communities.