The Catholic Centre for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Jordan, on Monday, February 16, strongly denounced the brutal massacre committed by the terrorist gangs of the ISIS in Syria and Iraq which led to the martyrdom of 21 Copts who have been working in Libya.
In a statement issue today, the statement said that this crime, or rather the new crimes, constitute a humanitarian crime--before being a Christian Arab one--in the face of injustice and tyranny. The statement, furthermore, strongly urges followers of all religions to mass efforts in order to extirpate the extremist thoughts that strive to eliminate others’ religions. The CCSM, while viewing this new crime as a crime that undermines the bases of coexistence among the followers of religions, prays that the Almighty God will have mercy on these martyrs, and bestow patience solace and faith on their families and their loved ones.
Commenting on the massacre, CCSM Director Fr. Rif’at Bader said that war on extremist thoughts is part of war undertaken by Jordan and the international alliance against the waves of violence, extremism and terrorism. He considers the martyr Copts working in Libya to earn a living as martyrs of the moaning humanity that is pained by the increased acts of killing, abuse, disregard for the life of people, as well as deforming human dignity.
Fr. Bader said that the CCSM conveys condolences to the relatives of the slain, to the Catholic and Orthodox Coptic Church represented by Pope Tawadros II and Patriarch Ishaq Ibrahim and all heads and followers of churches in fraternal Egypt.
He added that the blood that united the Jordanians and all the people everywhere, in light of the martyrdom of Muaz Kasasbeh, is capable of uniting all the people of good-will particularly in the wake of the crime committed against the innocent Copts and the killing of three people in the United States since humanity seems more than ever to be the victim of this violence that disseminates its venom on the Earth and wreaks havoc in the world countries.
The CCSM conveys condolences to the Egyptian people, underlines the policy of openness that has started to bear fruit in this fraternal Arab country, as well as wishes success for all good-will endeavors designed to confront the whirlpool of violence that is spreading in the Arab region and is introducing the whole world into misleading, bleak and unjust tunnels. It is hoped that new mentalities will emerge which will condemn all forms of extremism and terrorism.
The CCSM also hopes that the new innocent bloods of Christian Arabs, that have been shed will provide a motive for joint action , with the churches , and be conducive for the mutual relations between Christians and Muslims, to be united in building new societies, capable of treating all citizens through constitutional equality and genuine citizenship.
At a time when the CCSM calls for solidarity among the followers of religions, including defending human dignity , and human rights, foremost of which being the right to life, and the right to religious freedom, it concludes by quoting Pope Francis words during his visit to Al Aqsa Mosque last year, where he said: “May we respect and love one another as brothers and sisters! May we learn to understand the sufferings of others! May no one abuse the name of God through violence! May we work together for justice and peace!” (May, 26, 2014).