Church is growing in Africa and Asia but still facing a crisis in Europe

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 23:48

The number of Catholics in the world rose between 2005 and 2014, the number of priests is up, while the number of religious continues to drop. Positive figures were recorded until 2011 then this trend came to a halt. The underlying trend shows a Church that is growing in Asia and Africa but shrinking in Europe and North America.

“The Church doesn’t need dirty money,” Pope says

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/02/2016 - 23:37

At the General Audience, on Wednesday March 2, the Pope denounced “benefactors” who come with “offerings” but these are “the fruit of the blood of people who have been exploited, enslaved with work which was under-payed”. He spoke about the refugees who are arriving in Europe and don’t know where to go.

China has become aware of Pope Francis' soft-global power

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/02/2016 - 13:14

The Global Times, the semi-official online organ of the Chinese Communist Party, attests with participatory tones that under Pope Francis and President Xi Jinping, "hopes rise for a thaw" in Sino-Vatican relations. And it names an American cardinal as a witness of the new course; one who is convinced that the similarities between the two leaders can become "a special gift for the world".

"In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/29/2016 - 23:52

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen"

It is a simple prayer symbolizing the cross of Jesus, and the Trinity, and so much more. It is said at the beginning of Mass when the priest commences Mass. My four year old Granddaughter, Lilah, is learning to begin and end her prayers with this prayer. What is the significance for Catholics to say this?

Moscow and the Vatican: “The mentality of brotherhood, not of competition”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/23/2016 - 00:23

After almost a thousand years that have failed to bring about any meeting between the head of the Catholic Church and the head of Russian Orthodox Church, a plane heading from the Vatican and another one heading from Moscow touched down in Cuba to pave the way for a meeting between the leaders of the two Churches, namely Pope Francis and Patriarch Krill. The Cuban island has become one of the symbols of global reconciliation.

Migration, Francis’ cry: No more death! No more exploitation!”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 02/18/2016 - 15:00

Francis celebrates mass at the Area of the Fair in Ciudad Juarez, after praying in silence facing the chain link fence that marks the US-Mexico border: "They are the brothers and sisters of those excluded as a result of poverty and violence, drug trafficking and criminal organizations. Being faced with so many legal vacuums, they get caught up in a web that ensnares and always destroys the poorest. Enslaved, imprisoned and extorted, they are the consequence of a trade in human beings”

The World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/15/2016 - 14:39

Six years after the United Nation’s adoption of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s proposal to mark a week of harmony among religions (on the first week of February), I believe it is incumbent to focus every year on specific issues instead of reiterating the views annually addressed to the local population, in particular. On the other hand, our “expressed views” are mostly intended to denote that we are "brethren" and that "harmony" among the followers of religions would come true, thus we look for terms that corroborate this view.