Pope Francis at Palm Sunday Mass: "Jesus was annihilated for our sake"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 22:12

At Palm Sunday Mass,on March 20, Pope Francis emphasised that “too many act like Pontius Pilate, denying justice” and he urged faithful to see the cross as “the royal seat of God”. He added: "If the mystery of evil is unfathomable, then the reality of Love poured out through him is infinite”.

The Catholic school in Jericho that is also attended by Muslims

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/18/2016 - 22:36

Accounts of peaceful co-existence between Christians and Muslims. A report from the “Holy Land” school founded by the Franciscans in the West Bank. Most of the children enrolled here are Muslims. The headmaster, who is also the parish priest, and the local Imam say: “Passion for education is of prime importance here, we educate children about coexistence and mutual respect”.

“Deaths of homeless people and nuns are ‘dark valleys’ but God is close by”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 03/15/2016 - 12:22

At the morning Mass in St. Martha’s House on Monday, March 14, Pope Francis talked about the people who get sick in Italy’s “Terra dei Fuochi” (Land of Fires), the homeless person who died of cold in Rome without even a final comforting embrace, the nuns killed in Yemen and the migrants who find doors slammed shut. The only answer to these tragedies is to trust in the Lord.

Ukrainian Greek Catholic leaders encouraged after meeting the Pope

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 13:50

Despite many Ukrainian Greek Catholics feeling betrayed by the joint declaration signed last month by Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in Havana, the Eastern Church’s leadership was encouraged by a recent meeting with the Holy Father and a pledge he made to help the suffering people of Ukraine.

Sino-Vatican relations witnessing significant advances

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/14/2016 - 13:29

Significant advances in relations between China and the Holy See could be just around the corner as dialogue enters a new phase, according to Vatican and Chinese government sources.

Pope Francis’ bridge-building diplomacy is also raising hopes for a papal visit to the country, part of a process to help realize Benedict XVI’s vision of one Church in China. But not everyone is convinced, and the Holy See’s revamped Ostpolitik is causing concern that any gains will come at the cost of compromise.

Francis marks third anniversary with evocative summary of Jesus’ call to mercy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 22:25

Pope Francis celebrated the beginning of the fourth year of his pontificate with an evocative summary of his first three -- preaching to crowds in St. Peter’s Square on Jesus’ mercy towards a woman found in adultery and giving them pocket copies of “The Gospel of Mercy.”

In his weekly Angelus address Sunday, the day marking the fourth anniversary of his election as the leader of the global Roman Catholic church, Francis said that God “does not nail us to our sins” but instead identifies us by our names and wants us to transform evil into good.

The Doha Declaration for the protection of spiritual and intellectual heritage

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 00:36

All these declarations, namely the Istanbul Declaration (2011) which was designed to combat religious intolerance, the Morocco Declaration (2016), and the Doha Declaration (2016) aim at attaining two main targets. The first one is to exonerate Islam of the lurking misconceptions in light of what terrorist groups and organizations commit in the name of religion and the Almighty God; and the second one is to call for instilling mutual respect among the followers of religions.