Memories of Mother Teresa's visit to Jordan resurrected

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 22:17

Marking Independence Day in 2012, His Majesty King Abdullah bestowed on “the House of Peace for the Elderly” (Dar es Salam for the Elderly), located in Tla’ Al ‘Ali, Amman, the Order of Al Hussein for Distinguished Contributions of the Second Class, marking its noble humanitarian efforts being carried out since its establishment in 1976. This accredited House is the brainchild of a girl born in Albania and named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was later known in Calcutta, India, by the name of “Mother Teresa”.

When God’s messenger visited Baghdad

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/06/2016 - 17:37

On 12 June 1991, a UN- charted aeroplane landed at Habbanyia air base (55 miles west of Baghdad), it was the first traveller by air to Iraq after the first Gulf war. On board, was Mother Teresa who had permission to fly to Iraq due to her old age and the nature of her humanitarian mission. Many Iraqis rushed to the usual hotels to find out where she was staying but they were met with the same reply: despite reserving their best suite for her, Mother Teresa wished to stay at the convent in al- Za’afarania district of Baghdad.

Pope declares Mother Teresa saint 'who challenged world powers'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/04/2016 - 21:56

Francis praises Missionaries of Charity founder for putting mercy into action and after canonisation ceremony gives lunch to 1,500 poor in Vatican.

Pope Francis has held up Mother Teresa as a model for the Church’s service to the marginalised while praising her political interventions for revealing the guilt world leaders bear for the “crime of poverty.”