Pope: "We need to knock down walls and build bridges"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 17:02

In an interview with journalist Eugenio Scalfari, founder of Italian national newspaper La Repubblica, the Pope says that in order "to achieve this we need to knock down walls and build bridges that can lessen inequality and boost freedom and rights”. Today there are “Christian martyrs in almost every corner of the world”.

Parolin: Holy See hopes Trump will "facilitate common solutions to conflicts"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/10/2016 - 14:12

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has congratulated the new president-elect, expressing his respect for the US democratic process that led to his election and the hope that Trump will work in service of his country as well as for the well-being and peace of the world.

What happens now that Donald Trump has won?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/10/2016 - 12:57

Donald Trump has promised that as president he will honour the pledge stitched into his white and red baseball caps: Make America Great Again.

The former television entertainer’s campaign has been a roller coaster of triumphs and pitfalls, but his love for hyperbole has never wavered.

With him in the White House, Mr Trump has said, his supporters are going to "win so big" they will soon be "sick of winning".

When it comes to mapping out the details of a Trump presidency, the Republican candidate has been no less extravagant.

"Why Trump’s victory could be good news for Middle East Christians?"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/09/2016 - 15:47

Donald Trump, the next president of the United States of America – I guess those are words few of us ever expected to hear, along with ‘Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition’ and ‘Leicester City, Premier League Champions’,

I went to bed early assuming that Clinton had it in the bag, and that overall this was probably the lesser of two evils. She’s awful, but I broadly agreed with PJ O’Rourke on this one.

China: Vatican rejects alleged “DIY” ordinations of unofficial priests

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/08/2016 - 14:42

The director of the Vatican Press Office issued a statement on Monday, November 7, saying the Holy See hopes that reports of episcopal ordinations conferred without Papal Mandate are unfounded and recalling that “it is not licit to proceed with any episcopal ordination without the necessary Papal Mandate, even by appealing to particular personal beliefs”.

Lebanon: Aoun’s “great compromise” is put to the test

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/07/2016 - 13:18

The former general’s presidential election was made possible by the cross-party convergence of previously opposing forces. An institutional stalemate that lasted two- and-a-half years has ended. And the country of cedars has proved its interdenominational nature and vocation despite it all, showing the rest of the Middle East that a different future is possible, one that is not based on sectarian division.