Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/08/2017 - 02:17

Saint of the Day for September 8

The Story of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church has celebrated Mary’s birth since at least the sixth century. A September birth was chosen because the Eastern Church begins its Church year with September. The September 8 date helped determine the date for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

September 5, is Saint Teresa of Calcutta’s day

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 20:18

(August 26, 1910 – September 5, 1997)

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the tiny woman recognized throughout the world for her work among the poorest of the poor, was beatified October 19, 2003. Among those present were hundreds of Missionaries of Charity, the order she founded in 1950, as a diocesan religious community. Today the congregation also includes contemplative sisters and brothers and an order of priests.

“We Christians must walk against the current”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 13:44

Angelus, Pope Francis, “We are called not to be absorbed by the vision of this world.” A prayer for the flood victims in Texas and Louisiana.

"Let us pray to Mary the Most Holy not to fear the cross, not a cross without Jesus but a cross on which Jesus was nailed to” Francis affirms at the Angelus. There is always the temptation to follow a Christ without a cross, rather, to teach God the right path. With a great and always valid wisdom, Jesus challenges self-centered mentalities and behaviors."

"All suffering should be seen in Christ’s suffering"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/03/2017 - 12:24

Always there is a connection between the first readings and the gospel accounts that the Church presents to us in the major celebrations of the Church’s liturgical year. Such is the case we find in today’s scripture passages and so I begin our reflections with the Old Testament prophet who was one of the Major Prophets found in the Hebrew Bible and who lived 600 years before Christ.

'Dialogue is the key word'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 08/26/2017 - 14:17

Ecumenical dialogue, cooperation among religious confessions, international conflicts and humanitarian crises, fundamentalist terrorism, the protection of human rights, environmental emergency: in several interviews with local press at the start his visit to the Russian Federation – 21-24 August – Cardinal Pietro Parolin outlined the main themes at the heart of his meetings with leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church and with the country’s top authorities.

Interview rounding up Cardinal Pietro Parolin's visit to Moscow

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 08/26/2017 - 01:07

Following is the full text of the exclusive interview that Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin released to the Vatican media upon his return from his trip to Russia which took place on August 21-24:

Eminence, there was understandably a great expectation for this trip to Russia. With which feelings did you came back to the Vatican?

The Canaanite Woman

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/20/2017 - 02:13

Readings for August 20, 2017: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The apostles thought she was a nuisance and asked Jesus to get rid of her. Jesus had gone to the region of Tyre and Sidon, modern-day Lebanon, and a local woman approached him for a favor. This was pagan country, home turf of the infamous Jezebel. The inhabitants of these parts were fondly referred to as “dogs” by their Jewish neighbors, who viewed them as unclean.