Hurricanes, climate change, Pope Francis, and the poor

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 17:52

Never letting a serious crisis go to waste, climate change advocates seized upon hurricanes Harvey and Irma as evidence that climate change is real and happening, its effects devastating, and without drastic remedial measures global cataclysm is inevitable.

Joining in was Pope Francis. While Irma was hammering the Florida coast, El Papa warned against inaction, predicting, “History will judge our decision.”

Obedient to Death: Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 22:15

“Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” —St. Rose of Lima

There is a line in the Mass readings for September 14 that grabs my heart every time I read it or hear it proclaimed:

…he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death,
even death on a cross. (Phil 2:8)

September 14 is the day that the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The line occurs during the Second Reading for the day, and is taken from St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians.

The Pope on climate change, humankind “is a stupid and stubborn man, that does not see”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/12/2017 - 02:01

On the return flight from Colombia, Francis answers questions on the policies to stop immigrant landings and expresses his gratitude to Italy. On hurricanes and floods, “We are arrogant, we do not want to see. But scientists are very clear about the human influence on climate change.” On Trump who abolished dreamers’ DACA law, “If he is a good pro-life, he should defend family unity. On Venezuela, “I believe that the UN must.

Homily for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 10, 2017, Year A

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/10/2017 - 01:29

Asking the right question is always critical if we want arrive at good answers to what it is we seek or to the problems we face. With that in mind I want to ask us today: How much of your life and mine is governed by “we” and how much is it governed by “me?” That question is fundamental in our lives. Do I arrive at answers and base my decisions all by myself or with others? Do I live my life alone or with others?

Fatima’s little-known miracles with earth and water

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/09/2017 - 14:29

Miracles of healings multiplied after the last Fatima apparitions. What astounded more than a few people and broke down scoffers and atheists, turning them into believers, were the simple instruments used in bringing them about.

Along the last 100 years of Fatima most of the early ones have been forgotten. But Father John de Marchi recounts some of them in his classic mid-20th century book, The True Story of Fatima.

“Colombia be reconciled, fear neither the truth nor justice”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/09/2017 - 14:17

The Pope’s appeal to the “Great Prayer Meeting for National Reconciliation”. On stage, representatives of victims of violence, military and police officers and former guerrillas.

“Open your heart as the people of God” and let yourself “be reconciled”. Pope Francis addresses the Colombian Nation, “Fear neither the truth nor justice. Dear people of Colombia: do not be afraid of asking for forgiveness and offering it. The Pontiff launched this appeal to the “Great Prayer Meeting for National Reconciliation” on the second day of his visit to Colombia.

“Destroy the darkness of disrespect for human life and the darkness of vengeance”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/08/2017 - 15:08

One million people at Pope Francis’ Mass in the Simón Bolívar Park in Bogota: Francis quotes those who have committed to the peace process, who like Peter have “put out into the deep”. Brief meeting, at the end of the celebration, with some cardinals and bishops of Venezuela.