Synod discusses need for dialogue with the world

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 16:56

A language that facilitates “dialogue with the world”, “graduality” as an attitude which takes into consideration the difficulties that can separate real families from the Christian ideal, the “long, personalised and also severe” path of preparation for the marriage sacrament, embracing remarried divorcees (“the Eucharist is not the sacrament of the perfect, but rather of those who are on the way”). These are some of the topics that emerged in the Extraordinary Synod on the family which kicked off yesterday in the Vatican. Pope Francis is present at all the meetings.

"Remarried divorcees belong to the Church," says Synod's Relator

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 13:57

“Divorced and civilly remarried persons belong to the Church” but in the case “of a (consummated) sacramental marriage, after a divorce, a second marriage recognized by the Church is impossible, while the first spouse is still alive.” In any case, “what is being discussed at this synod of an intense pastoral nature are not doctrinal issues, but the practical ones — nevertheless inseparable from the truths of the faith.” This is how the Synod’s Relator General, Cardinal Peter Erdö – who is also President of the Hungarian Bishops’ Conference as well as President of the Council of European E

Teenage mothers and polygamy: The global challenges the Pope faces

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 13:27

More than half (106 bishops) of the almost two hundred individuals participating in the Extraordinary Synod on the Family which opened on Sunday, October 5, in the Vatican hail from Asia, Latin America, Africa and Oceania. It would be very short-sighted of us to therefore focus our attention exclusively on hot issues affecting European societies and Churches which are facing the challenge of secularism, to the detriment of the challenges and problems faced in other parts of the world.

Fr. Rif'at Bader conveys a “Christian Arab” gratitude to King Abdullah

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/05/2014 - 14:35

The "issue of the Christian Arabs" has always been the main concern of His Majesty the King. In addition to the historic initiatives which Jordan hosted and founded--to become conspicuously global in today's world where religion has a say in large and minute affairs--His Majesty’s address at the United Nations this year has had resounding global media reverberations. The Christian Arabs are an integral part of the fabric, even if this Arab fabric is torn apart, as His Majesty said: “Arab Christians are an integral part of our region’s past, present, and future."

"Christianity will live on in Iraq"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 16:10

Weeks before its first horrendous beheading of an American journalist, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria gave Christians in Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, a stark one week choice: Convert or face execution. Christian houses were marked with a black "N" -- for Nazarene, a reference to Jesus.

Those who fled were, as a refugee named Raad Ghanem put it, "stripped of everything. Money, wallets, jewelry, ID, passports, watches, everything." For the first time in 16 centuries, there are no Catholic masses in Mosul on worship day.

Francis' messages from Albania

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 02:14

When Francis’ express visit to Albania was announced, the crisis in Iraq had not yet worsened and ISIS’ project of destruction had not yet come under the spotlight. Two reasons drove the Pope to accept the invitation to visit “the land of the eagles”: he wanted to encourage peaceful coexistence and collaboration between different Christian religions and the Muslim community and express his support to a country that was recently bathed in the blood of martyrs, under one of the most ferocious communist regimes imaginable.

Pope: "Albanians have the gift of fraternity"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/22/2014 - 14:16

“I saw your suffering up close...” On the flight back from Albania, Francis met briefly with journalists travelling with him and only answered questions that were to do with his visit. He apologised for refusing to discuss other issues – one journalist tried to ask him about the Synod – but this was so as not to take away from the importance of today’s event.