Why does God allow some people to be born with disabilities?

Submitted by munir on Sat, 01/08/2022 - 11:20

The Almighty God is the great creator Who is qualified with perfection and nonpareil excellence. When He created Earth, He made a masterpiece of creation which people continuously depict in their paintings. Such paintings are mere representative of the divine beauty intended to demonstrate the glory of the Creater.


Overcome the world hand-in-hand with the Saviour of the world

Submitted by munir on Wed, 12/29/2021 - 14:09

As the hands of the clock move and its ticks are heard repeatedly, an implicit announcement is made marking the end of the year 2021 and the emergence of the glaring rays of the sun of the new year, namely 2022.


The year 2021 left behind sufferings and pains that are sometimes incurable resulting from the Corona pandemic and its variants as well as the ramifications of the disease represented by unemployment, poverty, violence, and despair in addition to wars and forcibly displacements that result in economic and social hardships.

The awaited Savior is born

Submitted by munir on Fri, 12/24/2021 - 14:38

The date December 25 is not like any date. This very day celebrated every year is not like any other day. It is a day which marks bringing about a radical change in the course of life in Earth. It is the birth of the Savior in Bethlehem whose name is Emmanuel, which means "God is with us."


Mary’s Immaculate Conception

Submitted by munir on Fri, 12/10/2021 - 13:43

God created the world out of love and, in face of man’s sin, He decided to redeem him, also out of love. And to do so, He designed a salvific plan. And He wanted man to take part in that plan, but the plan was unthinkable for man himself, as it was so grandiose and divine. And so He did it. He decided to send His Sone to make Himself one of us. But for a God made man a Mother was needed, and He made Her.