Parish “Facing New Crossroad”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/14/2018 - 11:07

“A Church on the Move” by Joe Parrocki underlines 52 ways to get mission and mercy in motion for building better relationships in and with the Church in the 21st century. The parish of today seeks hope for change in the world. The parish of today is still changing; the parish of yesteryears is gone forever. No longer will a pastor, like the one of my childhood, guide a parish for twenty or thirty years.

Britain to follow Poland and Ireland with 'Rosary on the Coast'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/13/2018 - 13:48

On April 29, the nations of England, Scotland and Wales will be joined in prayer around the British coast
K.V. Turley

It started with Poland and then spread to Ireland. Now the idea of ringing the national boundaries with prayer, in particular the Rosary, is coming to the British Isles.

On Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3 p.m., the nations of England, Scotland and Wales will be joined in prayer around the British coast.

The intention is to pray for faith, life and peace within the United Kingdom.

Monologue on the threshold of Lent

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/13/2018 - 11:50

On the threshold of Lent, I light my candle, and address You, O Lord Jesus Christ,

I ask You to give me a helping hand at this time, when disavowal of love and complacency has climaxed,

O Lord Jesus, come and brighten our hearts with the light of Your love so that you can get close to You and to other people,

O Lord, Your love has overwhelmed the sky, and Your clemency has been revealed through the clouds.

Cardinal Parolin explains why Holy See is conducting dialogue with the Chinese gov't

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 15:40

The interview talks given by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, on “why” and “how” the Holy See is carrying out dialogue with the Chinese Government, show the Holy See is truly moving along on the path of the genuine Tradition of the Church. It suggests we need to follow in the footsteps of St. Augustine of Hippo by standing up against the risk of being again infected and weakened by the Novatian and Donatist ideology, always threatening the life of the Church.


Paul VI will be made a saint, cardinals approve miracle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 22:27

The Vatican Congregation, on Tuesday February 5, recognized the healing of an unborn child. Francis’ final decision and announcement of canonization day is the last step, probably in October.

Paul VI will be canonized soon. The meeting of the bishops and cardinals of the Congregation of Saints unanimously approved the recognition of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Giovanni Battista Montini. Now what is missing is Francis’ approval and the announcement of the date for the canonization of the Pontiff from Brescia who died in Castel Gandolfo forty years ago.