The 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s visit

Submitted by munir on Thu, 03/20/2025 - 13:01

The memory of Pope John Paul II's apostolic journey to Jordan in 2000 is  still vivid. I worked at the time as a spokesperson for the Catholic Church and felt the mammoth significance of the papal visit in the Great Jubilee Year. Marking the visit, we enjoyed in Jordan on March 20- 21 a visit that could be described as nothing less than being historic and sacred.


Indebtedness of poor nations… a scourge that turns their economies topsy-turvy

Submitted by munir on Sat, 03/15/2025 - 10:41

In the modern world, economies play a key role in determining the roles that can be played by nations in various spheres in the global political arena, whereby rich countries can have an edge in determining the course of the upcoming events in the world, as this can as well be reflected in launching economic projects that provide job opportunities and provide citizens with a good sta

Lent… a period of repentance and renewal

Submitted by munir on Wed, 03/05/2025 - 07:21

March 5, 2025 has marked the onset of a 40-day of fasting referred to as Lent, which precedes the Feast of the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ (commonly known as Easter). It is a period based on three pillars, namely almsgiving, fasting and prayer during which the faithful may remember the Divine mercy represented in the death of Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross, His rise from the dead to reveal His glory and indicate that death is not the end of life but rather the start of a new life.  Lord Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.

Between March 2013 and March 2025

Submitted by munir on Tue, 03/04/2025 - 14:32

In March 2013, Pope Francis walked as such (as seen in the included photo) wearing white clothing for the first time, among his brethren cardinals who contributed to releasing white smoke, a sign of the new papacy becoming marked with Francis’ fingerprints, with such new fingerprints that he was able to unveil with some of them being surprising to many people.

The concurrence of the Christian and Muslim fasting

Submitted by munir on Tue, 03/04/2025 - 12:11

From time to time, people need spiritual moments that leads to refinement of personalities, calls for repentance, and return to the Almighty God. One of the most bountiful and most purifying moments is the annual fasting season during  which religious teachings jointly agree on its importance for the spiritual growth  in its capacity as a companion to his physical growth.


Will Artificial Intelligence be strictly devoted to the noble welfare of humanity?

Submitted by munir on Mon, 03/03/2025 - 10:54

With the advancement attained in the fields of science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the tools dedicated to serve humanity in various spheres of life. The world has currently seen a rise of AI applications which impact numerous walks of life.


Two anniversaries that map out a noble image of a world marked by harmony

Submitted by munir on Sun, 02/23/2025 - 10:22

A bird's eye view on the current affairs of the world, one may regrettably notice a deterioration of the general situation that impacts almost all walks of life. The intriguing question that arises is that this rampant stage of the prevailing dire situation at the global level has not yet been met by serious measures that are urgently needed to remedy the situation or at least curtail the steady downfall.