Hope is still absent!

Submitted by munir on Mon, 11/27/2023 - 11:18

I continue to write about the unknown future without making any discernment to our dear readers about what will happen in the days and months to come. I am not aware of what comes next, yet with the absence of peace, justice, love, truth, a

That is why Pope Francis returns to the United Arab Emirates!

Submitted by munir on Thu, 11/16/2023 - 19:18

Since his election more than ten years ago, Pope Francis has drawn new lines in his pontificate which will distinguish him throughout the history of the Church. Among them is that he is the first Pope to visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in its capacity as being the first Gulf country which was followed by a visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain exactly a year ago. Furthermore, Pope Francis’ environmental concerns have actually earned him the title, “The Green Pope,” in addition to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, who is also called the “Green

The truth is still missing

Submitted by munir on Tue, 10/31/2023 - 10:53

On this website, we have addressed love, justice, and peace, but we found them all absent or absented. As for talking about the truth, it settles deep agony in the heart, especially on these days when humanity is descending into deep pits. It is the truth for whose cause people die.  Notable philosopher Socrates referred to it saying, “The comfort of the wise is in the presence of truth, and the comfort of the foolish is in the presence of falsehood.”


Justice still at bay

Submitted by munir on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 13:16

I write these words in the vicinity of the Dutch city of The Hague. It is a city that suffered in the past by Spanish, Belgian, and French colonialism, while in World War II it was subjected to British bombings--as friendly ones--and sustaining hundreds of victims. Throughout the past ages, many of its people were displaced until it became at present one of the most important Dutch cities. Though it is not the capital, yet it is the headquarters of the King and the Crown Prince, as most of the governmental departments are located there.