Isaiah, BC, said: “He will come and save you where the eyes of blind and ears of deaf be open, and the tongue of the dumb be singing ”
When the Lord Christ came, HE drew attention to this. In the Gospel of Luke: “When the Lord Christ entered the synagogue in Nazareth and read the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah in the hearing of all those in the synagogue, HE said to them: Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing! And HE addressed the Jews by saying: You should listen to Moses as He talked about me.
What does the birth of Jesus Christ mean? The answer is in three dimensions:
First: Christmas Day is a memorial of physical birth!
Second: New Year’s Day is the Day to celebrate the Gregorian calendar.
Third: The Day of the Epiphany is the spiritual Christmas!
The birth of Christ teaches us how to lighten our burden on the path of our lives, and leads us to a path in which we forget ourselves and lighten the burden of others!
The Christ’s purpose in incarnation lies in preparing the right path for humanity!
The story of the cradle in the birth of Jesus Christ has sublime meanings through the following:
God chose the shepherds to give them the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ because these shepherds were searching for salvation!
In the days of King Herod, the Magi from the East came to Jerusalem and said: Where is the newborn king of Jews?
When Augustus ordered Caesar to conduct a census of the people, each in his city, Joseph went from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the location of his clan, and He and Mary remained there until She gave birth to her son, swaddled him, and laid him in a manger, where she made a cradle for Christ!
Historically, the Church was built over the cave in which Christ was born, and it was initially called the “Church of Mary” in the third century AD... The Church was rebuilt in the sixth century AD and is called the “Church of Nativity”!
Christ is the symbol of peace... the Savior and the source of love... On the day of his birth. We pray for just and comprehensive peace and an end to wars, destruction and displacement... and in a loud voice, let us sing with humanity: Christ is born… the King of peace and love… Hallelujah!!”