The bells of the Churches of Amman and their sisterly churches in all parts of the country rang their bells with festive tones in an expression of jubilation and happiness marking the national event that brought overwhelming joy in hearts, homes, streets, and in all squares of this homeland which were turned into theaters of elation and euphoria. The bells have all the time served as a sign of prayer for the beloved homeland so that the Lord would protect and safeguard it and so that it would remain a lofty beacon of openness, exhilaration, great joy, and an exporter of great joy in order that the homeland would remain unified, cherishing the unity of its people and their cohesion in thick and thin.
So long that our homeland contains under its soil numerous mosaic paintings that were uncovered centuries ago, as well as those that are still uncovered, and so long that we are proud of the schools that introduced teachings relevant to mosaic especially in the city of Madaba, yet the mosaic painting that Jordanians have drawn these days will remain engraved in history while expressing cohesion, civilization, brotherhood and loyalty to the glorious history. It is the living mosaic drawn by the living stones of the people of Jordan, as well as by its visitors and pilgrims which have acquired these days new and renewed blood.
In Raghadan Palace, the public meeting between the King and his people was an expression of the modern mosaic paintings that were expressed through songs and dances at a time when it did not exclude a region of the homeland. The brethren Circassians performed their beautiful and harmonious contribution in an expression of Jordan, the land of welcoming, integration, and preservation of humanitarian customs and traditions. The presence of patriarchs, bishops, and priests from Jerusalem, Amman, and the governorates of Jordan, and from the various churches that are rich in rites and traditions, was the most beautiful reflection of what Jordan and its neighbor Palestine are experiencing including cohesion between Muslims and Christians, and their participation in any inclusive national event.
In Zahran Palace, the distinguished voice of cleric Ahmad Khalayleh resounded to express in the name of the Jordanians the overwhelming joy and their wishes for happiness for the new family. I met him after the ceremony marking the marriage of Princess Iman and congratulated him for his kind words. He said to me, "Father, when I saw the joy expressed in the eyes of Their Majesties the King and the Queen, I spoke out these words." And when I met him on Independence Day at Raghadan Palace, I said to him, "Sheikh, the world is waiting for your preamble that will bless the wedding of His Highness the Prince." He indeed excels with beautiful expressions and strong language which emerge from the heart before being articulated and which express the thoughts that roam in the minds and hearts of Jordanians, while being grateful to God for the grace of security and stability and wishing well for all those who shared our joy in the world.
In Al-Husseiniyah Palace--where the motorcade arrived through streets decorated with beautiful paintings of organization as well as with spontaneous and sincere joy expressed by the people of Jordan, and with those who live in Jordan and view it as their warm home--this wedding does not exclude anyone as the world rejoiced and we waited for it with love, sincere supplications, and good intentions so that it would be a happy and blessed marriage. How beautiful it was, for example, to see the celebrations of the people of the Za'tari Camp which were an expression stating that whoever comes to Jordan as a refugee will become a son of this country, while sharing its jubilations.
Best wishes are conveyed to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein Ibn Abdullah II, and Her Highness Princess Rajwa Al Hussein, and to Their Majesties, dear parents, King Abdullah II and Queen Rania Al Abdullah. Best wishes also go to all the security departments, the army, the media, the protocol, the singers, and the clerics, we say God bless you. And with the ringing of church bells, we pray for Jordan to maintain this glittering image expressed in its joy and national unity.
We address His Majesty the King saying, "You have fulfilled your duties, may God protect your household."