The “Mother” Church will announce the canonization of “Mother” Teresa

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 12/26/2015 - 00:27

There has been a concrete reason to have the photo of “Mother Teresa” posted on the 9th month of the calendar. The Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Amman has prepared the calendar of 2016, and named it “the Calendar of Mercy” to comply with the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The CCSM chose for every month an expressive photo with a suitable photo caption.

The month of September shows Mother Teresa treating poor and sick children in the “theater” of mercy while being sublimely experienced in Calcutta, India. The CCSM photo caption states: “With her wonderful smile, Mother Teresa deserves to have her photo posted on the Vatican façade to be beatified five years after her passing away. She was given the title “mother” owing to her affection and compassion towards the poorest and the most vulnerable people. As the world expects her canonization this year, we plead her intercession so that the world would be merciful as the merciful Father is."

On December 18, the day when the Vatican officially announced Pope Francis’ approval of the “Mother” Teresa’s canonization, we would say that the CCSM had predicted this announcement when preparing the calendar of the Year of Mercy. The CCSM had well perceived future events, and realized that mercy has witnesses and that the “Mother” Church would highlight their marvelous deeds to serve as a model to be emulated by the people of today in their endeavor towards sainthood.

Congratulations on these wonderful models, congratulations to humanity for having brought to this world several “Teresas”, namely St. Teresa of Avila, St. Trizh Child Jesus, and Albanian Teresa who had left behind Europe’s charm and beauty and moved to India, thus was preceding the events relevant to the Year of Mercy by experiencing the most difficult circumstances of mercy. Today, she deserves to hold the most sublime and holy positions… her photo will be posted high anew on the Vatican façade. Her name will be said aloud in Masses by the believers, while the ladies of the world who seek a sublime model would seek her intercession to be “mothers” as she is.

Congratulations… O saint of mercy on the Year of Mercy

It is to be said that Mother Teresa’s merciful deeds never took into consideration people’s origin, nationality or color. She served humans merely because they are humans and saw in them the merciful image of God. That is why, we hope that her imminent canonization will serve in bringing the people of the world closer to each other, despite the differences in beliefs and the ways of praying to the one God, so that they would all live together anew under the roof of conviviality.


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By Fr.Rif'at Bader