The homeless on a trip to the beach with pizza offered by the Pope

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 16:35

For two weeks every afternoon Francis’ Almoner has accompanied groups of homeless people for a swim at Passoscuro and an evening at the pizzeria.

In August, Rome is empty: some soup kitchens close, and many volunteers go on vacation. But leaving is a possibility that homeless people do not have, who are accustomed to living on the streets. This is why Bishop Konrad Krajewski, Papal Almoner, has organized afternoon trips to the beach for the poor who are camping in the St. Peter's area. “We continue, with the Swiss Guards and the gendarmes, to bring food in the evening to the Roman stations,” the prelate explained to Vatican Insider, “but in the afternoon, using our van, I accompany groups of 10-11 homeless to go for a swim.” The chosen location is Passoscuro, on the coast at about thirty kilometers from Rome, near Fregene.

Archbishop Krajewski, once the homeless have been gathered, puts himself at the wheel of the van. His guests are provided with swimsuits, towels and beach towels to relax on the sand. “We are a ‘sui generis’ (unique, Ed.) group,” the bishop confides, “since those who live on the street have very dark faces because of the sun, but bodies as white as milk.” The homeless go for a swim, then enjoy a little of the beach, by the sea.

“We always conclude the trip in a pizzeria,” says Krajewski, “as do many people who are on vacation at this time. We certainly are not saving the world with some of these initiatives, we are not solving the problems of the homeless in Rome, but at least we are restoring to them a little dignity. I was very impressed to see how they behave in these situations. They know how to get along together, and when we are at the table, if one is talking and telling a story, everyone else is listening quietly. Even some of them, who are usually more agitated, cheer up.” The pizza at the end of the day, for all members of the party, is offered by Pope Francis.

Until now, one hundred homeless have already taken part in these guided tours by Krajewski. “Yesterday there were two Albanians, an Afghan, a Ukrainian, a Georgian, an Indian and three Italians,” he says, “and during the journey we sang, listening to the radio. For these, our brothers in need who are used to living in insecurity, these are moments that remain in their memory, they have the chance to feel like everyone else. Already more than one of them, upon seeing me again, has asked: ‘Father, when will you take us back to the sea?’”

As it is known, Pope Francis has installed showers and a barber service under the colonnade of St. Peter's, made available to the homeless. Medical services and specialist visits have also been initiated.

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By Andrea Tornielli/ Vatican City