Pope Francis appeals for an end to recruitment of child soldiers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/02/2016 - 20:32

“In this world, which has developed the most sophisticated technologies, weapons are sold that end up in the hands of child soldiers.” Pope Francis denounced this in a video message for December’s prayer intention, Vatican Radio reports. Francis reiterated the urgent need to “do everything possible so that the dignity of children may be respected, and end this form of slavery”. Addressing all people of goodwill, Pope Francis says: “Whoever you are, if you are moved as I am, I ask you to join in this prayer intention: That the scandal of child-soldiers may be eliminated the world over.” The video message begins with a dark image of a person dressed in military uniform and wearing a bullet belt; the person removes the scarf covering their face, revealing the face of a child. The video continues with bright images of joyful children playing and going to school.

Since the start of his pontificate, Francis has often decried the abhorrent phenomenon of children who are forced into slavery to fight the wars of adults. He has done so in speeches, homilies and messages. In his 2014 Christmas Urbi et Orbi speech, he spoke about children who have fallen victim to “contemporary Herods”. He condemned the phenomenon again in his Urbi et Orbi speech last Christmas, expressing his closeness to all children soldiers.

Francis’ meeting with young Ugandans during his Apostolic Visit to Africa in November 2015 was particularly touching. The Pope was moved when he heard the testimony of a young boy who was forced to become a child soldier. Francis expressed his closeness and support to young victims affected by this terrible scourge, inviting them to defeat hatred with love and assuring them that “God is more powerful than any recruitment campaign”.

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Vatican Insider staff/ Turin