Pope Francis: Violence is not the way to resolve conflict

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/16/2016 - 19:01

In his speech to a group of new ambassadors to the Holy See, Francis decried the scandalous spending on weapons, while many people lack the basics they need to live

“Violence needs to be rejected as a method for resolving conflicts and dealing with them instead through dialogue and negotiation.” The Pope said this in his speech to new ambassadors of Burundi, Fiji, Mauritius, Moldavia, Sweden and Tunisia accredited to the Holy See for the presentation of their letters of credence. The Pope reiterated what he said in his Message for the World Day of Peace on 1 January, dedicated to “non-violence”, urging countries to follow the way of peace. Not a peace proclaimed by words but in fact denied by pursuing strategies of domination, backed up by scandalous outlays for arms, while so many people lack the very necessities of life.”

“You have come from distant and very different areas of the world,” the Pope emphasised. “Here in Rome this is always a source of satisfaction, since the horizon of the Holy See is intrinsically universal. This is due to the vocation and mission entrusted by God to the Successor of the Apostle Peter, a mission that is essentially religious, yet in the course of history has also involved relations with states and those who govern them. The Catholic Church, whose centre of unity and direction is found, as it were, in the Holy See, is called to pass on and bear witness to those spiritual and moral values grounded in the very nature of human beings and society, and which, as such, can be shared by all those committed to the pursuit of the common good.

“Preeminent among these values is that of peace, as seen in the fact that for fifty years now, the Popes have dedicated the first day of January to peace, addressing a special Message to the world’s civil and religious authorities, and to all men and women of goodwill. The Message for the coming World Day of Peace, published just three days ago, has as its theme: “Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace.”

Non-violence, the Pope said, “is a typical example of a universal value that finds fulfilment in the Gospel of Christ but is also a part of other noble and ancient spiritual traditions. In a world like our own, sadly marked by wars and numerous conflicts, to say nothing of widespread violence evident in various ways in day-to-day life, the choice of nonviolence as a style of life is increasingly demanded in the exercise of responsibility at every level, from family education, to social and civil commitment, to political activity and international relations. In every situation, this means rejecting violence,” Francis stressed, “as a method for resolving conflicts and dealing with them instead through dialogue and negotiation. In a particular way, those who hold public office on the national and international levels are called to cultivate a nonviolent style in their consciences and in the exercise of their duties. This is not the same as weakness or passivity; rather it presupposes firmness, courage and the ability to face issues and conflicts with intellectual honesty, truly seeking the common good over and above all partisan interest, be it ideological, economic or political.”

“In the course of the past century, marred by wars and genocides of unheard-of proportions,” the Pope went on to say, “we have nonetheless seen outstanding examples of how nonviolence, embraced with conviction and practised consistently, can yield significant results, also on the social and political plane. Some peoples, and indeed entire nations, thanks to the efforts of nonviolent leaders, peacefully achieved the goals of freedom and justice. This is the path to pursue now and in the future. This is the way of peace. Not a peace proclaimed by words but in fact denied by pursuing strategies of domination, backed up by scandalous outlays for arms, while so many people lack the very necessities of life.

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By Iacopo Scaramuzzi/ Vatican City