Pope gives 100,000 euro to the poor of Aleppo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 03/11/2017 - 17:15

The last mass of the Spiritual Exercises in Ariccia was dedicated to Syria’s dramatic situation. Mission of Dal Toso and Zenari in late January.

On the last day of his Lenten Spiritual Exercises with the Roman Curia in Ariccia, the Pope celebrated a Mass for Syria “and sent 100,000 euro to the poor of Aleppo, thanks to a contribution of the Roman Curia.” This was announced by Paloma Garcia Ovejero, Deputy Director of the Vatican Press Office. The donation will be made by the Office of Papal Charities, the Apostolic Almoner.

Preacher Giulio Michelini told news agency SIR (religious information service) , that Pope Francis “chose silence for his spiritual exercises; however, meal breaks will be accompanied by short readings followed by some music. The first book chosen is by Ibrahim Alsabagh, pastor of Aleppo and is titled “A moment before dawn” chronicles of war and hope. It seemed a great opportunity to bring such a dramatic reality to the attention of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia. Next, I will propose a collection of Marian texts, edited by the Community of Bose, which include writings starting from the Church fathers to contemporary theologians. “During the days in Ariccia, the Franciscan Frier has indeed received an email from Ibrahim Alsabagh describing the plight of the population.

“We are happy and cannot wait to tell the faithful who remained here in town”, is Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo of the Latins, Monsignor Georges Abou Khazen’s comment to Sir. “Father Giulio Michelini gave me the news just a moment ago,” he continues. “In the city there are signs of improvement especially for what concerns safety. For several days, electricity has returned in some city districts while we are expecting the water supply any day. Although there is still an enormous need of material goods. “Unfortunately, the vicar adds, “there are still so many Christian families who leave” the hope is that “the Pope’s gesture, the closeness of the entire Church can encourage many of our families to come back” and could also be seen as “a message to the diplomacy for it to find a just and peaceful solution to this war that nobody wants.”

This is not Pope Francis’ first gesture of closeness to Syria; he has made repeated appeals for this war-torn Middle Eastern Country. Ultimately he recalled in his beginning of the year conference with the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, the boys and girls “who bear the consequences of the atrocious conflict in Syria, deprived of the joys of childhood and youth: from the possibility of play freely to the opportunity to go to school. They and all the beloved people of Syria are always in my thoughts, and I appeal to the international community to work diligently towards serious negotiations, and put an end to the conflict, which is causing a real humanitarian disaster. “

In addition, from January 18 to 23, the deputy secretary of the new Vatican department for the Integral Development of Human Services, Monsignor Giampietro Dal Toso, went in mission to Aleppo together with Cardinal Mario Zenari, the apostolic nuncio in Syria, and the director of the nunciature, Monsignor Thomas Habib. The delegation - the Vatican press office informed - has met the local Christian community, visited charitable institutions and refugee camps. In particular, they collaborated to the setting up of an humanitarian assistance center run by Caritas Aleppo in the Hanano district. The mission was also the occasion for a series of meetings with representatives of Islam, during which, the note stated, “it was reiterated religion’s responsibility to educate to peace and reconciliation .”

The Pro Terra Sancta Association reports that friars of the Custody of the Holy Land in Syria are fifteen and are present in various areas: Latakia; Damascus (Damascus-Bab Touma, Damascus-Salieh, Damascus-Tabbaleh, Maarath Sidnaya); Aleppo (Aleppo-Azizieh, Aleppo Er-Ram, Aleppo Center St. Anthony, Slenfe); and in some villages of Kanye Orontes valley, Yacoubieh).

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By Jacopo Scaramuzzi/ Rome