The faith of the simple and the anti-Francis operations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 15:23

Four years later. Second episode of Gianni Valente’s analysis. When Christian faith is replaced by religious ideologic

The ecclesiastical hostility reserved to Pope Francis, in all its various gradations, is unprecedented in the history of the last centuries.

The aggressive noise and point-blank attacks, their obsessive-compulsive rhythm orchestrated by different teams and coordinated at international level in the all so real "war of liberation", directed against the current Successor of Peter by individuals and clerical coordinated media-networks has most certainly its prosaic reasons. When Pope Francis blasted the automatism that made "cardinals" certain episcopal sees, he had knocked down the laborious mechanism with which the high-ecclesiastical "winning" network had already begun to place future conclaves electors for decades to come. From the first important episcopal appointments, he made it clear that long-time plans concerning episcopal nominees had fallen through. However, this does not explain everything.

In many ways, the coordinated and relentless attack coming from hostile networks against Pope Francis remains a mystery, it belongs to the mystery of the Church. In certain operations conducted by interconnected and powerful clerical-media apparatus against Bergoglio, take place a religious hatred against the current bishop of Rome that does not fall in the 'ordinary' objections, criticism or intolerance that can be addressed to a Pope. All too similar to the analogue "unveiling of hearts", the episode told in the Gospels of those religious men who manipulated the Law of God to drive away people from the authority of Jesus, and tended him traps to catch him in contradiction.

Secularized Doctrinal rigor

This unprecedented contempt for the Pope from the new self-elected virtual inquisition hunting for Francis’ alleged doctrinal defaillances is a sign that in those doctrinally aggressive segments, the instinctive understanding of Christianity and Catholic doctrine has been secretly replaced by a religious ideology filled with Christian words and formulas, which have ultimately atrophied its more genuine and germinal sensus fidei. An intimate secularization, hidden beneath the muscular performances of doctrinal rigor, more devastating than all those favored by the cultural influences of worldly nature (relativism and nihilism included), because it took place in the shadow of "christianist" ideology (Rémi Brague). The orchestrated and endless campaign carried out by anti-Bergoglio brigades, is mysterious in its root, but is strategically moving along accustomed lines. Its shooting targets are easy to locate. First, they are aiming at exacerbating the polarization pro / against Pope Francis, by focusing attention exclusively on his person and stirring up the battle around him. They want to push through the idea that, in this ecclesial season, everything is traceable to a matter of "taste", opinions and personal inclinations proper to Bergoglio’s personality, and that the global game in place consists of lining up with or against the "ideas" of the Argentine Pope, his inner individual guidelines, even his quirks and obstinacy.

Insisting on his Jesuit and Argentine origins

References to pope Bergoglio’s Latin American and Jesuit origin are used relentlessly in this "reductio,". There is a peculiar insisting on these two traits, to passing them off as unique genetic blueprints of Bergoglio’s every single gesture. The bishop of Rome’s "gesuitization" and "latinoamericanization» cages him into stereotypes and preconceived models, as to pass off all his moves - including suggestions for reform and change – as rooted through the mechanical and obvious appeal to the Ignatian and Argentine archetypes. Even certain "Pro Bergoglio fans" - as we will see - sponsor these two undeniable personal connotations, the Pope’s being Jesuit and coming from Buenos Aires as exclusive interpretative coordinates of his pontificate. By doing so, they are indirectly helping those whose aim is to overshadow the elementary and sacramental evangelical spirit revived by Bergoglio as a way to renew and rejuvenate the Church. Too much attention focused only on the Pope, isolated by the Church, in the long run always ends up distorting and encouraging manipulative operations. The professionalized bullies of the reigning Pope ride the emphasis on his "innovative" exceptionality by claiming to "unmask" it in his Jesuit-Argentine genetic origins, and then charge him of discontinuity and potential 'detouring' from his last two predecessors.

A self-feeding circuit

All the para-doctrinal accusations against Pope Francis have no ties, not even remotely, with the great Church Tradition, nor they draw to the authentic Magisterium of the last Popes. The Bishop of Rome is targeted by the new inquisitors simply because he is not "aligned" with the slogans of the ruling ecclesiastical party of these recent decades. That same party that during John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s pontificates has distilled a neo-conservative ideological and doctrinal apparatus, setting itself as custodian of the "winner” interpretation of the last two pontificates, and in the age of online barbarization against ecclesial matters, is anxious to pass off its own arsenal of ecclesiastical politics as a new standard of orthodoxy and ecclesial discipline. Reason why the drop point of these organized strategies against Pope Francis point to read all his gestures and words according to a polarizing grid of Anglo-Saxon nature - liberal vs. conservative. This is the only "conjunction" in which the anti-Pope Pasdarans move with ease, the only closed and self-powered circuit in which they can operate their clerical role play.

Do what the Pope actually says

It would be enough to stay at the things that Pope Francis says and does, and maybe follow the instinct of the simple faithful who have recognized the heart of a pastor, and not torment oneself over the many anti-Bergoglio rancorous operations; just let them get sucked into the vortex of clerical self -occupation. Besides, to provide them with arguments and paradoxical help, they are droves of bards who are enthusiastic of Bergoglio’s "new course".

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By Gianni Valente/ Vatican City