Cardinal Parolin: “Those who escape from poverty are forced migrants.”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/23/2017 - 01:29

The Vatican Secretary of State points out that while conflicts diminish, civilian casualties increase. Too many hegemonic designs hinder peace. Parolin to Russia in August.

“Those who run from poverty are also forced migrants, and the international community must find solutions to ensure the protection they need” words by Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who spoke during a meeting titled “Refugees: Humanity does not stop.” Organized by the Astalli Center at the Gregorian University in Rome for the celebrations of the World Refugee Day. Ferruccio De Bortoli, Father Federico Lombardi, President of the Astalli Centre and Father Camillo Ripamonti also participated to the meeting opened by actor Marco Baliani and a Venezuelan refugee Melany Hernandez who read a personal message.

Cardinal Parolin pointed out that among the causes of the great migratory flows marking this historic season are the “obscure geopolitical designs tied to hegemonic financial plans, to the trade in raw material and weapons, to crime, corruption, violence and finally to the connivance that makes all this possible. The unequal legal and economic ties between nations have contributed to the rapid escalation of the global financial crisis.” According to Parolin, persisting conflicts, high numbers of civilian casualties and poverty are the two major issues at the origin of the migratory crisis, whose solution can only take place on a global level, with a growing role of the United Nations and the international community.

The Cardinal highlighted Pope Francis’ appeal to Europe to recover its fundamental dimension, that is, the ability to integrate, “to create a synthesis between different cultures. Europe’s identity has always been dynamic and multicultural, “a fact that we must keep in mind” to face up to challenges and difficulties that are ahead of us “, the goal, Parolin said, is “to transform differences, not into conflict but in mutual enrichment.”

The cardinal also recalled that migrations “cause massive violations of human rights,” while Father Lombardi, who moderated the meeting, spoke about “the weakening of international protection” as Humanitarian action today, is often discouraged”. The former head of the Holy See’s pressroom also added, “ahead of us should lie a future, in which citizenship, in order to we a worthy future, should be welcoming, that is a citizenship that does not exclude ».

The cardinal then underlined how in recent years, “conflicts have been decreasing while civilian casualties increasing, and even if today’s conflicts may be fewer, they have a deeper impact on people”. Parolin reference was to Syria where a “baffling 60% of the population before the war is now displaced “and in connection with the Syrian crisis, the Holy See has repeatedly appealed “respect for Humanitarian law “as hospitals, schools and buildings have been constantly and indiscriminately struck. A situation that has increased the number of refugees. “The first concern - said Parolin - must be peace, and this the Holy See’s traditional task, whose negotiating and diplomatic action go in this direction, even in the most complicated and critical situations. For example, in Venezuela, “even though we were aware of the difficulties, the Holy See has committed “ to end the internal conflict, which, according to the Secretary of State, is experiencing the phenomenon of refugees as many are fleeing to Colombia and other nearby nations.

However, Parolin noted, there are also signs of hope, including a “growing awareness of the state’s interdependence on issues such as migration,” as well as emerging signs of solidarity and generosity among a widespread general sense of fear. The Secretary of State then recalled his recent trip in the Veneto region, where he met some of the local mayors. The latter told him how various communities were scared and initially refused to welcome refugees. Feelings that were overcome the moment locals had the chance to personally meet the refugees, creating thus a fruitful interpersonal exchange.

The Vatican Secretary of State noted that when “high numbers of refugees arrives, people are afraid because there is no personal contact”, to avoid this – the cardinal suggests - the reference model should be that of “widespread integration, and widespread acceptance”. Parolin was referring to the model that Italy is trying to implement, but not yet effectively achieving, the distribution of small groups of refugees and migrants in various towns and cities of the peninsula so as not to overcharge the single communities.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Parolin told journalist of his high-level diplomatic visit to Moscow scheduled for August. “The opportunity of a visit to Moscow has been investigated for a long time- he said - it seems now that there are the right conditions for it to happen. I will probably meet President Putin. This will be a high-level diplomatic visit with both Political and Orthodox Church Authorities. “

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By Francesco Peloso/ Rome