Pope: “God free the world from the inhumane violence of terrorism”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/20/2017 - 23:01

In the Angelus, the Pope prays for the “dead, wounded and family members of the terrorist attacks in recent days that claimed many victims in Burkina Faso, in Spain and in Finland”.

The Pope expresses his sorrow for the recent terror attacks and begs the lord during the Angelus to free the world from the "inhumane violence" of terrorism. “We carry in our hearts the pain over the terroristic attacks in recent days that have claimed numerous victims in Burkina Faso, in Spain and in Finland” he says at the end of the Marian prayer. And he asks the 10,000 pilgrims and faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray first in silence and then together with Our Lady, "for all the dead, for the wounded, and for their families." And “and let us implore the Lord, the God of mercy and of peace, to free the world from this inhuman violence".

In his catechesis, he exhorts to "nourish our faith and strengthen our trust in Jesus" because "we all need to grow in faith" and "we have no spaces to defend because God’s love is boundless." The Pontiff emphasizes that today's Gospel presents "an unusual example of faith in the encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite woman, a stranger to the Jews." The scene takes place as Jesus is on the way to the cities of Tire and Sidon, northwest of Galilee. It is here, he adds, that the woman begs Jesus to heal her daughter, who "is tormented by a devil." At first, the Lord "does not seem to hear this cry of pain, so as to arouse the intervention of the disciples who intercede for her: the apparent lack of interest from Jesus “does not discourage this courageous woman who persists in her plea.”

According to Jorge Mario Bergoglio “the inner strength of this woman, which enables her to overcome every obstacle,” springs from “her maternal love and her faith that Jesus can grant her request”. "We can say that it is love that moves faith, and faith, for its part, becomes the prize of love," the Pope explains. The heart-breaking love for her daughter causes her to shout: "Mercy of me, Lord, son of David!" And her persevering faith in Jesus allows her not to be discouraged even in the face of his initial rejection. So the woman prostrated in front of him, saying, "Lord, help me!" In the end, before such perseverance, Jesus is admired, almost astonished, by the faith of a pagan woman."

Therefore, Pope Francis continues, Jesus gives his consent by saying, "O woman, great is your faith! be it done for you as you wish" And from that moment her daughter was cured. "This humble woman is indicated by Jesus as an example of unshakeable faith," says the Pontiff. And he adds, "With their strength, women are capable of obtaining great things. We've known so many." The persistence of this young woman in invoking the intervention of Christ "is for us a stimulus not to let us be discouraged, not to despair when oppressed by the hard tests of life. The Lord does not turn to the other side before our needs, and if He sometimes seems insensitive to our request of help, it is to test and strengthen our faith."

"This evangelical episode - the Pope continues - helps us to understand that all of us need to grow in our faith and strengthen our faith in Jesus.” He can help us to find the way back when we have lost the compass of our journey; when the road forward appears uphill and "arduous" and when “it is difficult to remain faithful to our duties.”

Therefore, he encourages us to "nourishing our faith each day by listening carefully to the Word of God, with the celebration of the Sacraments and with “our personal prayer like a ‘cry’ towards Him, and with concrete acts of charity towards our neighbour”. "Let us trust in the Holy Spirit so that He will help us to persevere in faith. The Spirit infuses boldness in the hearts of believers; gives our life and our Christian witness the power of conviction and persuasion; encourages us to overcome God's disbelief and indifference to our brothers, " the Pope says.

In conclusion, Francis prays to the Virgin Mary for "making us increasingly aware of our need of the Lord and of His Spirit; giving us a strong faith, full of love, a love that can make us courageously plead to God. "

At the end of the Angelus, "a cordial greeting" goes to the various pilgrims of Italy and other countries, especially the members of the French association Roulons pour l'Espoir, who came by bicycle from Besançon, the new seminarists and their superiors of the North American College of Rome; the clerics of Rivoltella (Brescia), and the boys and girls of Zevio (Verona). To everyone Bergoglio wishes "a good Sunday," recommending, "Please, do not forget to pray for me. Good lunch and goodbye! "

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By Giacomo Galeazzi/ lastampa.it