Britain to follow Poland and Ireland with 'Rosary on the Coast'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/13/2018 - 13:48

On April 29, the nations of England, Scotland and Wales will be joined in prayer around the British coast
K.V. Turley

It started with Poland and then spread to Ireland. Now the idea of ringing the national boundaries with prayer, in particular the Rosary, is coming to the British Isles.

On Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 3 p.m., the nations of England, Scotland and Wales will be joined in prayer around the British coast.

The intention is to pray for faith, life and peace within the United Kingdom.

The organizers are taking their inspiration for this initiative from the Holy Scriptures. Like Joshua marching against the seemingly impregnable walls of Jericho, so too on April 29, 2018, the British faithful will assemble in prayer to tear down the walls of sin and division that are ranged across this country.

When asked why to use the Rosary, the organisers said:

The Rosary has been given to us as a powerful weapon to fight the darkness of our times and to pray for Peace in our world. The saints have called Our Lady the terror of the demons, and Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, has entrusted each person and our world to Her Motherly care. Our faith teaches us that it is through the supernatural movement of grace and prayer, invoking the powerful intercession of Our Lady that evil is brought down, and goodness and peace seem to be restored among peoples and nations.

Throughout Britain the timing of this is apt. In England, from Sept. 7-9, 2018, the Eucharistic Congress will take place in Liverpool. In addition, the English National Marian Shrine at Walsingham sees the proposed Rosary on the Coast as part of the spiritual preparations for its forthcoming Dowry of Mary Tour. In Scotland, the Church celebrates the centenary of the Education (Scotland) Act 1918 that brought about the partnership between Church and State in the provision of Catholic Education. In Wales, the Church celebrates the National Welsh Pilgrimage at the National Shrine of Our Lady at Cardigan on Sunday, May 18, 2018.

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By K.V. Turley/