The Pope: God needs children to spread his joy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/08/2019 - 13:57

Francis goes to the “catholic heart” of Bulgaria, a nation in which only one person in a hundred is Christian. He celebrates Mass in Rakovsky, in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and administer the sacrament of First Communion to all 245 children present. It is the first time for Bergoglio on an apostolic journey. To the children he says: God needs "The Lord needs you, because he wants to work the miracle of bringing his joy to many of your friends and family members". And "our family name is" Christian”.

The Bishop of Rome is "pleased to greet the young boys and girls who will receive their First Communion and their parents, relatives and friends. To all of you, I offer the beautiful greeting exchanged in your country at Easter time: “Christos voskrese!” ". We are joyful because he is alive and present among us, today and always”.

Then, turning to the children: “you have come here from every corner of this “Land of Roses” to take part in a wonderful celebration. I am sure you will never forget this day: your first encounter with Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist”. The Pope observes: "Now Jesus is alive and is here with us. That is why we can encounter him today in the Eucharist. We do not see him with our physical eyes, but we do see him with the eyes of faith”.

The Pontiff sees the children "dressed in your white robes. What a meaningful and beautiful sign. You are dressed for a celebration! First Communion is, above all, a celebration. We celebrate Jesus, who wants to remain always by our side. He will always be with us. This celebration was made possible also thanks to our parents and grandparents, our families and our communities, who have helped us to grow in the faith”.

To come here, "to this city of Rakovski - he points out - you have travelled a long way. Your priests and catechists, who have accompanied you in your preparation for this day, have also accompanied you on the road that today leads you to meet Jesus and to receive him in your hearts. Making your First Communion shows that you want to be closer to Jesus every day, to grow in friendship with him and to lead other people to share in the joy he wants us to feel. The Lord needs you, because he wants to work the miracle of bringing his joy to many of your friends and family members”.

He reiterates that he is "happy to share this great moment with you and help you meet Jesus. For you, this is a day to be celebrated in a spirit of friendship, a spirit of joy and fraternity. In a spirit also of communion among yourselves and with the whole Church, which, especially in the Eucharist, expresses the communion that makes all of us brothers and sisters”.

Then he reflects: "This is our identity card: God is our Father, Jesus is our brother, the Church is our family. All of us are brothers and sisters, and our law is love.". Francis encourages the little ones to "always to pray with the same enthusiasm and joy that you feel today. Remember that this is the sacrament of your first Communion, but not your last Communion! Today remember too that Jesus is always there, waiting for you".

Then the Pope began a dialogue with the children. “I’ll ask you a question: Are you happy to make your First Communion? Are you sure?”. “And why are you happy? - he goes on nicely - Because Jesus is coming! Let’s all say together: “I am happy because Jesus is coming”. And To all of you gathered here to receive Jesus – I’ll ask a question – Are you all the same family? And what is our family called? What is our family name? "Christian" ». Francis points out a passage from his homily " that I want you always to remember. I spoke about the “identity card” of a Christian, and I said: “This is our identity card: God is our Father, Jesus is our brother, the Church is our family. All of us are brothers and sisters, and our law is love”. Now let’s repeat it together. I will say it again, the interpreter will say it, and we will all repeat it together.”

Another question: "We are enemies, is that true? No, we are friends, we are all friends, we are brothers and sisters and our law is love. Now Jesus will speak - he concludes - to each one of us. Today, you will pray to Jesus for your family, parents and grandparents, catechists, priests and friends. Will you pray to Jesus for all these people? Very well. Now let's continue the mass and get ready to receive Jesus”.

Francis personally gives First Communion, one by one, to all the 245 boys and girls, all dressed in white tunics, the girls wearing a crown of white flowers on their heads, in a climate of great composure and devotion.

At the end of the celebration a “snowfall” of petals of white roses from the ceiling of the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus greets the end of the Pope's Mass. The white petals of the flower symbol of Bulgaria fall from above over Francis and the other prelates, the children and families, as they walk the aisle out of the church.

Immediately after, the Pope goes on foot to the Franciscan monastery for lunch with the bishops of Bulgaria. Before leaving the convent and moving to the church of San Michele Arcangelo for the encounter with the Catholic community, the Pope gave a gift to the 11 sisters of the house and greeted the sick assisted by the nuns in the courtyard.

Around 700 faithful attended the Mass, including the 245 children of the first communion. 10 thousand people outside the church and in the surrounding area. The Vatican press office reports this on the basis of information from local authorities.

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By Domenico Agasso/