Six types of crying, immorality and apathy!!!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/08/2020 - 17:03

I woke up at 4 a.m. today and suffered from certain unrest, apparently for reflecting on what happened in Jerusalem, in similar days to ours, nearly two thousand years ago.

At the time, Jerusalem witnessed eight types of behavior, particularly with regard to the suffering and death of Christ on the cross:

1) Christ weeping over Jerusalem (Luke, chapter 19, verses 41-44)

2) Peter cried after his denial of Christ (Luke, chapter 22 verse 62)

3) Judah cries after he betrayed Christ (Matthew, chapter 27, verses 3-5)

4) The daughters of Jerusalem crying in the way of the cross (Luke, chapter 23, verses 27-31)

5) The Virgin Mary cried near the Cross of Christ (John, Chapter 19, Verse 25)

6) Crowds gathered to see the crucifixion (Luke, chapter 23, verse 48)

7) Calling for crucifixion of Christ (Luke, chapter 23, verse 21)

8) Apathetic, the majority of whom - apparently - did not play a direct role in the crucifixion scene!

This is an occasion for all of us to see which of the eight categories we are counted as: Are we like Christ, we cry over Jerusalem and insist on sacrificing ourselves for others / or like Peter repent after error / or like Judah we regret sin, but we do not have the courage to ask for forgiveness / Or we cry like daughters of Jerusalem without deep understanding of things / Or we cry like Virgin Mary as mother cries for pain of her son, but in this case with the hope of the resurrection because she knew who was her son / or do we knock chests like the masses “from afar” / or we demand, if not also participate in, the killing of Christ because he exposed and exposes our egoism / or do we move away apathetically as if the matter does not concern us ?!
If we were not able to reach the level of Christ, at least let us try to reach the level of the Virgin Mary or at the very least the level of Peter, because the rest of the possibilities do not serve our interests!!!

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By Wadi' Abu