CCSM disseminates the message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Peace

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/07/2016 - 13:58

With the advent of the New Year 2016, the Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) disseminated on Wednesday December 30, 2015 the message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the celebration of the World Day of Peace which commemorates on January 1 every year. The message is titled “Overcome Indifference and Win Peace”.

CCSM Director Fr. Rif’at Bader said that this is the 49th anniversary of this day which is designed to mark the World Day of Peace. It coincides with the 50th anniversary of the issuance of two basic documents by the Church, namely the Nostra Aetate, which opened the doors wide for dialogue with other religions particularly between Christians and Muslims, and the document of “Gaudium et Spes” (Joy and Hope), which also opened the doors wide for cooperation among various figures and institutions in the world, including the fields of politics, economy, culture and others.

Fr. Bader added: “The Message of Peace, the third issued by Pope Francis since the assumption of papacy, calls for overcoming the culture of “indifference” towards the needs of individuals and groups. The message warns against demonstrating indifference towards disasters which are currently prevalent, as they constitute the major reason for the absence of international peace. This very indifference is mostly associated with different forms of exclusivity which cause isolation, ignorance selfishness, and carelessness towards the others. It is important to have families, educators, intellectuals, artists, and media people contribute to enriching knowledge related to conscientious openness to comprehensive human solidarity.”

Fr. Bader added: “Peace, according to this year’s message of Pope Francis, is the issue to consider. In other words it cannot be attained without exerting simultaneous efforts guided by the mind and the heart, and by being committed to positive dialogue. It is to be remarked in this regard that feeling the responsibility towards the massacres, persecution and bigotry based of faith and religion, as well as ignoring the freedoms of others and exploiting their rights within the framework of corruption and organized crime, stem from transcending indifference and building bridges of dialogue and cooperation. Peace is possible only when rights of every person are recognized and respected based on freedom and justice. The 2016 message is designed to be a starting point for all people with good-will based on their capabilities, aspirations to build a merciful, free and just world.”

In the new year which the Pope termed as the “Year of Mercy”, the Pope makes a threefold appeal to the leaders of nations which will definitely push the world towards further fraternity and conviviality instead of resorting to violence and indifference. These points are to refrain from drawing other peoples into conflicts or wars which destroy not only their material, cultural and social legacy, but also – and in the long term – their moral and spiritual integrity; to forgive or manage in a sustainable way the international debt of the poorer nations; and to adopt policies of cooperation which, instead of bowing before the dictatorship of certain ideologies, will respect the values of local populations and, in any case, not prove detrimental to the fundamental and inalienable right to life of the unborn.

The CCSM concluded by conveying good wishes to the Jordanian people. It says: “The CCSM has the pleasure to convey sincere wishes to His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, to His Royal Highness Prince Hussein ibn Abdullah, the crown prince, to the Hashemite family, to the Jordanian people that jointly celebrated the Prophet’s birthday and Christmas hoping that the Almighty would maintain peace and security in our dear homeland, restore peace and security in the fraternal Arab countries and the friendly world countries which are suffering from conflagrations, as well as bring about a safe and sound future for the generations to come away from fear and frustration form the future.”

Happy Anniversary

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By Fr. Rif'at Barder- CCSM director