“Continue to have the courage to speak to Jerusalem,” Twal tells Pizzaballa

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 07/04/2016 - 23:11

Ten days after the nomination of the new apostolic administrator who will be taking over from him, the outgoing Latin Patriarch has given an interview, indirectly confirming the Patriarchate’s “administrative weaknesses”, which led to the Pope’s decision.

“I would like to tell the new administrator to continue to have the courage to speak and to tell the truth, nothing more, nothing less… There are many who prefer us to keep silent because what we have to say bothers people… We need to talk, with caution and respect, yes, but we need to talk…”

A part from a very brief reference in the homily pronounced during the rite for the priestly ordination of a group of Franciscan friars on 29 June, the outgoing Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, had not yet said anything about the nomination of Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa as apostolic administrator of the see that he is leaving having reached the age limit. Today, for the first time since the Pope’s decision was announced 10 days ago, the Jordanian prelate gave an interview which has been published on the Patriarchate’s website. From his words, one can easily intuit what a delicate transition the Church in the Holy Land is going through.

The Pope’s decision to choose a cleric who is not a member of the Arab Christian community as the Patriarchate’s Apostolic Administrator, was not easy for the community. And Fouad Twal does not deny this, although he adds: “we are all very willing to help him in this task…”

“One of the new administrator’s strengths,” says the outgoing Patriarch about Fr. Pizzaballa, “is the fact that he served as Custodian of the Holy Land for 12 years and was also Vicar General of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem for the pastoral care of Hebrew-speaking Catholics in Israel. He is very familiar with the challenges and problems the Church in the Holy Land - which I have often referred to as the Church of Calvary - faces. However, alongside these winning cards is the problem of the Arabic language, the Eastern mentality and the entire pastoral activity. I can understand his concerns, the concerns of our priests and those of the Franciscans themselves.”

Fouad Twal also speaks specifically about the administrative difficulties faced by the Patriarchate, which were one of the main reasons that drove Pope Francis to choose Fr. Pizzaballa (particular mention was made to certain projects in Jordan which proved to be more demanding that expected): “It will certainly be easier for him to remedy the weaknesses of the administration, which manages pastoral care for Arab faithful,” Fouad Twal continues. “But it is also true that there are now more foreign faithful within the Latin Patriarchate than local Arab Christians”. He adds that he will have to “completely win over the priests’ trust” and “begin the reform process with conviction and without hesitation”. He also recalls, however, that “the administrator’s job is not always synonymous with popularity”.

Fouad Twal’s interview is obviously also a review of his own "term in office", which had its own fair share of bitterness. “The world’s attention is focused on the war and the attacks in Syria and Iraq more than on the Holy Land,” says the outgoing Patriarch. “Recently, when violence has struck Europe, the West has started to think about Christians in the Middle East, about our refugees, opening embassy doors to hand out visas. But no one ever speaks of those who were killed, massacred and get a visa to return to the Eternal Father.” He says he “often felt alone in the face of decisions that had to be made, alone… even though I was surrounded by people… One sometimes realises they have fewer friends than they think, or that they are switching from the role of main actor to being a spectator, like those who follow events without being able to create or make history”.

Hence, he invites his successor to “strive to maintain the delicate balance in relations with the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian authorities,” without losing the courage to denounce the sufferings of the Arab Christian community, because “there are many who prefer us to keep silent because what we have to say bothers people…” We need to talk, with caution and respect, yes, but we need to talk,” insists the outgoing Latin Patriarch, “we need to awaken people’s consciences and nurture the relationships we have built on an international level along the way.”

As far as his own future is concerned, Fouad Twal says he is “at the service of our bishops and priests, aiming to help them as much as possible” and that he wants to remain by the side “of families and faithful. I am also writing a book that covers almost my entire life,” he announces, “and I want it to be my final message”.

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By Giorgio Bernardelli