The Restaurant of Mercy marks its first anniversary

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 17:06

This is not intended to propagate the significance of the Restaurant of Mercy, but rather to shed light on its grand message. The Restaurant of Mercy is Jordanian. It was launched almost a year ago with the initiative of Caritas Jordan (Caritas means love in German) and the Latin Vicariate. This restaurant took a nonpareil coverage by different media outlets over the past year. Why? Becuase it is a charity restaurant that offers hot meals on daily bases for free to whoever gets in. This, consequently, has been one of the cordial initiatives of the "Year of Mecy" which had earlier been proclaimed by Pope Francis and which triggered noble and humanitarian initiatives in various parts of the world.

The bright side of the issue is showing that deeds reflecting goodness are still prevalent and that free services are still valid. Despite the fact that the majority of people have conflicting materialistic interests and unstinting endeavors to make as much money as possible by all means, and despite the fact that that there is prevalent greediness which displeases man and God, there is still a glimmer of hope represented in parties that are ready to extend a helpful hand, in general, in spite of the racial and religious differences. Humans remain as such and continue to enjoy full dignity despite their suffering.

Such initiatives indicate that "the future is promising". Thousands of meals have been provided for free which is indicative of the soundness of our society and of the contribution of Caritas Jordan, which marks its 50th anniversary. Caritas Jordan, in association with private and public associations, has contributed to alleviating the poverty and deprivation of many people and families.

What draws attention, as well, is the remarkable increase in the number of people volunteering to work at the restaurant. Caritas Jordan employees and other assigned employees do monitor the production of hot meals on daily bases in compliance with quality assurance and public safety. There are, furthermore, unimaginable numbers of young men and women, as well as students from Jordan and abroad who had made a remarkable contribution in this regard. The educators have also an educational responsibility to guide young people wishing to volunteer in doing charity work and to explain to them its noble aspects.

In its first year, the restaurant played a role in enhancing Christian-Muslim brotherhood and national unity. During the holy month of Ramadan, the lunch meals were turned into iftar meals. The restaurant reflected a civilized and noble message when it was crowded with volunteers on the one hand and people who provided services on the other as they were observing evenings of mercy at the Restaurant of Mercy. The restaurant also turned into a touristic destination as several official delegations had been served meals there and conveyed wishes that it would proceed on the path of love.

The Restaurant of Mercy in Jabal Weibdeh starts its second years thanking the Lord for the efforts exerted to feed the poor and the needy. The restaurant will definitely continue its march on the path of altruism, the path of giving happiness to others, the path of brotherhood that brings us together, the path of humanitarian solidarity posted on the eternal pages of the Jordan of unlimited goodness.

Happy anniversary to the Restaurant of Mercy.

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By Fr. Rifat Bader