Jesus Christ is the 'Light of the World', what does this mean?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/16/2018 - 19:09

There is always a lot to mediate upon from the Lord Jesus’ words and actions; there are, furthermore, there are many things to learn in order to eventually try to live life according to His will, and live it happily.

We read in the Bible that Jesus Christ said: "I am the light of the world", then in other places He said: "You are the light of the world and the salt of Earth." Jesus Christ is telling those who have ears that to be the “light” is simply to unite with Him.

But how? This begins by inward focus, and then unity.

The Bible mentions that Jesus Christ "opened his mouth" and taught the gathering. He taught them in order that they (those who hear His voice and understand His words) would teach others. He did not inform them, but taught them. In other words, Lord Jesus Christ’s words are more of a mission than information, and a duty rather than an option which leaves every responsible person with a future to consider seriously.

Such responsibility requires that each person (with ears to listen) strive to be transformed to be better in order to inflict positive changes on others. Imagine yourself as a bulb. Naturally the cleaner the bulb is, the more it shines, and the more power the bulb is given, the brighter its light is. In other words, reading the Word of God and contemplating on it, transforms the person through the renewal of the mind. Therefore, the personal change will happen automatically; thus fulfilling the mission as the ‘bright’ light of the world.

God gives us strength, wisdom and understanding to seek Him and the righteousness to live what Mathew said, 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”

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By Rula Samain