The Feast of Transfiguration

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/06/2019 - 13:53

There is a high mountain we all must climb with Jesus , one where darkness is banished and brilliant light surrounds the three disciples with Jesus. Here we too rest, struggling with another conundrum, but it is one where an answer is given us. Jesus is seen as he truly is, the mystery of God is caught and glimpsed. Peter grapples with what he sees and is inadequate in his response for he is filled with fear, not trauma, but in mystery and wonder of the unknown God.

That to me is what the Transfiguration is about, the glimpse of God's love revealed in Christ, found also in those times in our life, when we, alone and unexpectedly, discover the unbidden guest of our hearts transfiguring our lives, lightening our pain and doubt, consoling us even if only a moment.

This is part of our spiritual journey, moments when we rest on our mountain with God, before returning to the valleys of ordinary life.

In a sense the contrast between the two stories gives me hope, Abrahams faith is realized in Jesus, the transfiguration is a glimpse of what I too will be!

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