Why so many churches are frequently attacked worldwide?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/06/2020 - 03:59

Press reports indicate that His Holiness Pope Francis addressed a message to Archbishop of Managua, Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, on August 3, in a gesture of closeness over a petrol bomb attack at the Managua Cathedral on Friday, July 31, in which a molotov cocktail was thrown inside the cathedral which burned, among other things, a 400-year-old crucifix.

In his message Pope Francis expressed sorrow at the attacks saying, “Dear Brother, I accompany you in sorrow for this act of vandalism and I am close to you and your people. I am praying for all of you.”

There has recently been a spike in attacks on churches worldwide. The list of such attacks is very long, but to mention some of the recent ones is the attack in which the tabernacle of the Chapel of Our Lady of Carmel in the Parish of Veracruz, Mexico, was thrown to the ground; and the fire that gutted the 15th century Nantes Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paulin in France on July 18 which destroyed the Gothic church’s great organ and 16th century rose window.

The question that arises is why churches are targeted so frequently nowadays? This question continues to hover in the minds of people who seek worldwide peace, but find no answers.

Throughout history, churches have served to promote the message of love, peace, stability, well-being and common living, according to the teachings of the Holy Bible. Prayers and hymns that are said in churches to glorify the Lord as well as to disseminate the message of compassion and mercy which helps entrench a pacifying atmosphere as the Lord is sought to be the master and guide of believers.


Over the past centuries, the Catholic Church contributed to the progress of societies by establishing hospitals in several parts of the world. These hospitals contribute to providing medical care to millions of the ill. Furthermore, the Church launched thousands of schools and universities worldwide. These educational institutes provide qualified and distinguished education to all people regardless of their religious or ethnic backgrounds. Thus, the Catholic Church has played a key role in providing the societies with an elite class of educated people who strive to improve the societies in which they live based on the sublime education they receive from these Catholic educational institutes.

The disappearance of these Catholic Church-sponsored institutions would leave several societies in disarray as such services are vital for the progress of people in every walk of life.

The Catholic Church is like a ship sailing in a sea of gales and strong winds. But the Lord will continue to protect this Church regardless of any rancorous or evil attempts that might stand in its way or try to harm it.

The Catholic Church will remain safe and sound. This is reminiscent of the words of Lord Jesus Christ as he addressed Apostle Peter saying, “And I tell you that you are the rock, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18)

The Catholic Church enjoys divine care and protection. This Church will continue to sail to the ports of safety no matter what happens.

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By Munir Bayouk/ en.abouna.org