With love and solidarity we can build a safe future

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 07/02/2016 - 16:35

There is no doubt that the month of Ramadan this year has not been easy at all despite its holy nature and blessings during which the believers receive. Yet, it has been crucial as it included bitterness and acts of terrorism that hit our country at its outset and its midst. It also included some unusual events which had far-reaching repercussions such as the brawl that took place outside a church in Zarqa.

The bright side of the month is that the cohesion seemed to be greater than ever before as the procession of love and mercy continues in most of streets in the Kingdom. Many iftar banquets were served in several churches particularly for the most needy including the poor, the orphans, and the forcibly displaced. The Vatican had earlier sent a well-wishes message marking the advent of the month of Ramadan this year titled, "Christians and Muslims: Beneficiaries and Instruments of Divine Mercy'' in reference to any joint act that would reveal the image of the Merciful God through acts of cordiality and moral closeness to all the needy.

Nevertheless, terrorism has had an impact on the psyche of citizens who have been viewing the future with uncertainty, caution, or rather fear. What is needed now? National unity is the basis. It serves as an impregnable bulwark in the face of challenges. It is not permissible to dwell on minor issues and blow them out of proportion so as to be later tackled from tribal, religious and sectarian perspectives. The homeland is larger than anyone of us. It needs our unity.

Secondly, we have to complete our procession in absolute confidence in our wise Hashemite leadership as well as in the security and military forces. We ought not to ever give in to views that weaken our determination and our high confidence--which our leader referred to over the past decades--in our security apparatuses which are keeping a watchful eye on the security of the homeland and of the citizens.

Thirdly, we have to demonstrate dedication and sincerity in our work by transferring slogans into platforms that extend from transparency to combating corruption. We have also to take into consideration the "principle of nepotism" which erodes efficiency at the expense of knowledge and educational standard.

Do we exaggerate in mentioning this issue from a security perspective? No, since our love and affiliation to the homeland makes it incumbent on us to give priority to national interests over personal ones.

As for the parliamentary elections, which His Majesty the King ordered to be held according to the law and the Constitution, it is an opportunity to give priority to the interest of the homeland over trivial tribal interests. Before considering the candidates, we--the electorates--have to rise to the level of challenge and choose the most efficient in the field of legislation before being controlled by nepotism and blocs based on tribalism.

May God protect Jordan, our Hashemite leadership and our aware people.

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By Fr. Rif'at Bader