May God protect Jordan

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/12/2018 - 21:23

The concerned authorities were quick in locating and responding to the terror cell which on Friday killed a security officer in an attack on a police patrol in the town of Fuheis, 12 kilometres west of Amman. On Saturday, the security forces surrounded a building where the suspected terrorists were believed to be hiding, resulting in a firefight in which at least three were killed and several others were injured.

Friday’s terror attack came as a surprise as the town of Fuheis was preparing to host the final night of its annual cultural festival, frequented by thousands of people from Jordan and abroad. All has been going peacefully for the festival and the town, but not for the security patrol which lost one of its members, Sergeant Ali Qoqazeh, who was laid to rest on Saturday.

The cowardly attack, it seems, was targeting the well guarded festival and the peaceful town of Fuheis, inasmuch as it was targeting the security of Jordan, already at the forefront of countries fighting regional and global terrorism through all means available. Jordan has been paying a price for its moderation, staunch stands against all forms of terrorism and extremism, and its quest for peace.

Friday’s attack will not deter Jordan from continuing its war against terrorism, cooperation with friends and allies near and far in the fight against extremism, and its quest to achieve peace and a better future for its people and others of the region.

To the contrary, such an attack will make the Kingdom more determined to continue efforts to uproot terrorism and causes of terrorism wherever they exist.

It is a long and costly process that Jordan, along with its allies, is ready to continue. This effort is being waged at the security, military and ideological fronts, and requires the support and cooperation of all at the local and international levels.

At the home front, Jordanians stand united behind their leadership in this war against the modern-day Khawarej forces attempting to hijack Islam to serve their own narrow purposes. This is a fight in which Jordanians stand as one to ensure that their moderate faith prevails, with the help of fellow Muslim countries and friends and allies from around the world. It is a fight for all the values of love, peace, harmony, coexistence, and fraternity that their religion preaches and stands for.

At the international level, all peace-loving countries also stand united in their quest to end the threat of terrorism, which threatens them all.

This war will continue until the forces of darkness are defeated militarily and ideologically.

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The Jordan Times