The world’s youth are in Jordan

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 10/14/2017 - 13:59

The Conference of the International Secretariat of Christian Youth has convened for the first time in our dear Kingdom, in coordination with the local General Secretariat of Youth (founded in 1980) and the Middle East Coordination Committee headed by Tareq Hijazeen, the first Jordanian to be elected to this post.

What draws attention about the five-day conference in our dear country are the following points:

First is the participation of large numbers of youth from 22 Arab and foreign countries. This is a great message which depicts the common denominator prevailing among the world youth with regards to the lofty ideals and noble values they had earlier reviewed in their respective countries prior to their actual discussion in our dear country.

Second: The conference subject of discussion served as a means to preserve the environment in its capacity as the common home of humanity. This subject served as a surprise to several guests. Some were wondering: Have all these world youth gathered to discuss the issue of the environment? Yes, because the environment nowadays, and the complexities surrounding it, have caused global warming leading to climate change and several tragedies inflicting humanity which are referred to as dilemmas of mankind. The participation of Minister of Environment Yassin Khayyat in the opening session of the conference served as an incentive to young people to continue to give this vital and humanitarian issue their entire attention. Further to this, is the spiritual, moral and ethical environment that could be contaminated by the hate speeches which Dr. Amer Hafi had earlier referred to as the carbon dioxide gas that undermines relations between people.

Third: The conference was an opportunity to unveil Jordan's successful experiences in the field of environment through field visits conducted to Amman Municipality and other centers, as well as to show some successful projects carried out by international organizations such as the German Development Agency (GIZ) which has conducted several environmental projects over the past years, particularly with regards to water and solar energy. However, the conference included a presentation of Jordanian success stories, which received international acclaim and recognition, such as the presentation made by young Jordanian Tala Nasraween of her invention, carried out in cooperation with Maher Maymoon, on Solar PiezoClean.

Fourth: The conference was an opportunity to have the participants get an overview of the cooperation among the followers of religions in the service of humanity. The participants in the conference, in this regard, visited several mosques and churches as well as listened to Christian and Muslim clergymen about the distinctive Jordanian message in the field of harmony, at a time when Jordan’s leadership and people strive to entrench it in line with the constitution which calls for equality among all citizens and for avoiding any form of discrimination.

Fifth: The conference was an opportunity for the youth of the world to visit some archaeological and historical sites such as Mount Nebo, the Baptism Site and Amman Museum. When they return home, they will undoubtedly be the best ambassadors for propagating religious tourism to our holy country.

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By Fr. Rif’at Bader