Venezuela:The provisional president sends a delegation to the Vatican

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 02/12/2019 - 23:25

Guaidó’s delegation from Venezuela was received yesterday on both sides of the Tiber: at the Viminale (Seat of Italy’s prime minister and of the ministry of interior), at the Farnesina (headquarters of Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and at the Vatican. While the provisional president wrote an open "Letter to the Italian people" to obtain support, recognition and humanitarian aid.

As for the Holy See, it was spokesman Alessandro Gisotti who informed of the meeting "in the Secretariat of State". The delegates were Francisco Sucre, president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, Rodrigo Diamanti, responsible for Europe for humanitarian aid, Antonio Ledezma, former mayor of Caracas, his wife, Mitzi de Ledezma, and finally Marinellys Tremamunno, president of the NGO "La piccola Venezia". They spoke with the substitute for General Affairs, Venezuelan Monsignor Edgar Peña Parra. In the conversations “the closeness of the Holy Father and the Holy See to the Venezuelan people, especially to those who suffer - Gisotti communicates - was reaffirmed”. "In addition”, said Gisotti, “grave concern was underlined that a just and peaceful solution be urgently sought to overcome the crisis, respecting human rights and seeking the good of all of the inhabitants of the country and avoiding bloodshed". The Sacred Palaces therefore remain on the same prudent line, that Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin defined by as "positive neutrality".

The letter to the Italian people

The delegation of the leader of the opposition to Nicolas Maduro was then received by vice-premier Matteo Salvini. And there was also a "cordial" phone call between Salvini and Guaidó. The Minister of the Interior - the Viminale informs - "confirmed his tough stance towards Maduro" and "his full support for the constitutional process to reach free elections as soon as possible". Then the Venezuelan expedition moved to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was welcomed by Enzo Moavero also on behalf of Premier Giuseppe Conte.

To all this is added the open "Letter to the Italian people" written and made known by Guaidó, in which he does not hesitate to point out that "59 countries and the European Parliament have recognized the National Assembly", while Italy "is one of the few that has not yet recognized this path". Guaidó says that " With deep dismay we don’t understand the reasons for the Italian political position". We do not understand, he says, why the "European country closest to us does not take a clear stand against the dictator Maduro and does not call for free elections, under the aegis of the international community, along with the release of humanitarian aid”.

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By Domenico Agasso/