With the Ukrainian-Russian conflict entering its third month, the world looks with mouths agape in incredulity and shock at the colossal destruction that has been inflicted on Ukraine in terms of human losses, forced displacement, grave damage inflicted on the infrastructure coupled with complete or partial damage to main cities, and shoving the country into an abysmal failure with no glimmer of hope for a better future.
Since the start of the conflict, several world leaders have failed to effectively intervene in order to help find out a safe exit from this ineffable disaster that has almost shattered all hopes for a world that ensures people living in peace and harmony, and that scuttled claims that the United Nations can serve as a bulwark against conflagrations which jeopardize human existence, integrity and dignity.
His Holiness Pope Francis made a remarkable statement on April 6, 2022 when he said that international organizations, such as the United Nations, have proven to be useless in stopping violence and atrocities in the war in Ukraine. He made this statement while lamenting the massacres in the freed city of Bucha, on the outskirts of Kyiv. He also denounced the “increasingly horrendous cruelties that are also committed against civilians and defenceless children and victims whose innocent blood cries out to the heavens and implores: 'Put an end to this war, silence the weapons, stop sowing death'.”
Amidst the various calls made by world leaders to quench the raging fire of war and restore permanent peace, the Ukrainian people have realized that the only person capable of fulfilling this noble mission is His Holiness Pope Francis. Eyes of Ukrainians have thus been focusing on the Pope of Peace, the successor of Saint Peter, with the hope of helping extricate their country from the "satanic grip".
Press reports have indicated that major of the Ukrainian army Serhiy Volyna stationed in the city of Mariupol, was appealing, in an April 18 letter published by Ukrainiska Pravda, for Pope Francis’ help in saving Ukrainian lives from “satanic hands” stating that the citizens are living a “hell on Earth.”
On the other hand, Cardinal Michael Czerny, interim Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, has conveyed a two-page message addressed to Pope Francis by a group of women trapped in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol crying out for help hoping that civilians and wounded soldiers can be evacuated from Mariupol. The message recounts the sufferings and agony of the battered city, with the Ukrainian mothers appealing for Pope Francis’ intervention so that civilians as well as injured soldiers, who cannot be treated, be allowed to be evacuated from Mariupol.
While the Ukrainians pin hopes on Pope Francis, the Pope of Peace and Harmony, to help alleviate their suffering, it is to be admitted that the Pope--known for his sagacity and perspicacity--has the credibility and will to entrench peace in his capacity as a holy man of peace who has the capability to help achieve peace everywhere he goes in line with the teachings of the Holy Bible and in accordance with the teachings of the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ.
It is also worthy to note that Holy See Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has said that the Holy See is ready to help mediate if the warring parties agree. Once Pope Francis, is given the opportunity to give a helping hand to reinstate peace in Ukraine, then the Divine Power will help him attain this noble objective.
In this regard, let us seek the peace of Lord Jesus Christ and review His noble words, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)