Pope challenges African youth to ‘write a new page of history’

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/07/2019 - 15:35

Reaching beyond the borders of his own Catholic flock, Pope Francis Thursday, September 5, urged young Christians, Muslims, Hindus and followers of traditional religions to “write a new page of history” for their country, as the world is “destroying itself by war.”

“When everything seems to be standing still and stagnant, when our personal issues trouble us and social problems do not meet with the right responses, it does no good to give up,” Francis said.

Speaking in Portuguese, Francis also laid down a gauntlet before pastors in the country: “What is more important for us pastors than to meet with our young people? You are important! You need to know this. You need to believe it.”

Speaking about the different religions, the Pope said that “God loves you, and this is something on which all our religious traditions are agreed,” he said. “For him, you have worth; you are not insignificant.”

The Pope mixed praise with criticism. After extolling youth for their enthusiasm and joie de vivre, “a shared and celebrated joy that reconciles,” he said it’s greatly needed as the “best antidote to all those who want to create dissension, division and conflict.”
Francis was welcomed by young people cheering, dancing, singing and shouting “reconciliation” after being showered with affection by thousands who lined the streets of Maputo to catch a glimpse of his popemobile.

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By Inés San Martín/cruxnow.com