It’s Advent — Time to prepare

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 12/04/2017 - 14:47

“Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving others with God’s own love and concern,” said St. Teresa of Calcutta.

Advent is a welcome time to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Son of God in human form. As we face the commercial culture that so often consumes our country at this time, how can we live the Advent season so that it doesn’t consume us also? We can offer a kind word of encouragement to an overworked clerk in a store or a loved one who is struggling with his faith. We can make a family visit to a home for the elderly, who are often lonely, especially at this time of year. As we await our Savior, we can live in expectant hope and peace — and bring that to the world around us.

Pope Benedict XVI stated in his December 20, 2006, general audience that humanity awaits “the coming of the Savior who renews the world and our life, the coming of Christ, the one true Redeemer of man and of the whole of man.”

The Savior is coming. May we use this time well in preparing for his arrival. God bless you!

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By Michael Warsaw/