At a time when the world almost restores its balance in the wake of the Corona pandemic, a serious conflict has erupted in Europe with a conflagration emerging between Russia and Ukraine that has a tenebrous effect on world economies. This effect covers all walks of life including food and energy leading to a bleak future in several countries in the world as well as to those who had earlier been striving to solve their chronic economic problems.
Amidst these emerging problems, Christian charities including Caritas and Aid to the Church in Need, have been working round-the-clock and exerting sedulous efforts in order to help the forcibly displaced Ukrainian citizens who turned refugees overnight.
What draws attention is that in the midst of the aggravating crisis in Ukraine, indefinite numbers of Ukrainian families requested in the first place copies of the Holy Bible apart from their daily needs, because they wanted to quench their thirst for divine safety by seeking the help of Lord Jesus in times of trouble. They actually wanted Lord Jesus to be in their midst. This gives them solace and assurance that they are definitely safe no matter what happens, while being in the guardian care of the Prince of Peace. They rather wanted to focus their sight on the Lord and avoid being distracted by anything else.
This situation is reminiscent of an event mentioned in the Holy Bible. It states that "Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to drown, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14: 30-32)
This event, mentioned in the Holy Bible, indicates that Peter was able to walk on the water when his eyes were focused on Lord Jesus, but when he focused on the wind, he got distracted; he lost view of the Lord, and thus he began to drown. The whole idea is that at all the times, particularly in times of crises, our sight should be focused on the Lord, while seeking His company and guidance.
As Christians worldwide mark the Feast of the Resurrection of Lord Jesus (commonly known as Easter)--namely the death of Lord Jesus on the Cross serving as a noble and sublime sacrifice to save humanity--it is also important to point out that Lord Jesus rose from the dead and that His resurrection is the only source of hope for the entire human race. The Cross which was in old days a sign of humiliation or rather a sign of degradation and shame for those crucified became a sign of honor, nobility, sacrifice, and dedication to a new life marked by blessings, hope, and assurances that a noble and scared life is in the offing. The Cross is rather a beacon of hope.
The Cross is our guide to the Kingdom of God and a source of peace. The Holy Bible explicitly refers to the Holy Cross saying, " For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (Corinthians 1:18)
It is important in this regard to note that Lord Jesus was not a physician, yet he treats all the diseases of the world with one word or one touch.
He was not a philosopher, yet his wisdom has no equal.
He was not a chemist, yet he converted water into wine.
In history, He is the beginning and the end.
In governance, "The government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace."
Jesus did not use medicine, but He was the panacea for all diseases.
He did not fight battles, but He occupied the hearts and minds of all with His sublime teachings.
He did not commit any crime or sin, yet He was crucified. He was buried but he rose from the dead and He is alive.
As Christians worldwide mark the Feast of the Resurrection, which is the symbol of victory over death, it is time to urgently ask Lord Jesus to overwhelm the entire world with His Holy Cross, as well as to eliminate wars, pandemics, violence, and entrench the world with His love and peace.
Have a happy Feast of the Resurrection in the company of the Lord of eternal salvation.