On September 15, 2021 an important event is going to take place at the Terra Sancta Theater, Jabal Luwaibdeh, Amman. It is the launching of a new website by Franciscan Sisters/ Marian Missionaries titled," John the Baptist Center for Christian Catechism". The site, financed by the Pontifical Mission in Jordan, will later be located on this link: www.jcjo.org
This site will be a source of reference for all those who are involved in Christian education in schools, as well as for parishioners, and for all those seeking religious enlightenment. Furthermore, the site includes a curriculum in Christian catechism that involves children of all ages; serves as a guide for teachers of Christian faith; includes useful videos for the youth; as well as hymns and religious films for children and the elders.
The launching of this site comes at a very important time in the history of humanity. With a bird's eye view on world affairs, it is easy to realize that the world is drifting into an abyss where people are killed in cold blood in wars that devastate the bright face of humanity. Furthermore, the world is plagued by poverty, unemployment, hunger, chronic diseases, and adverse climate changes among others.
Amidst these catastrophes inflicting humanity, the only panacea and the last resort for humanity is delving deeply in the Word of God by reading the Holy Bible and getting enlightened by Lord Jesus' teachings which restore peace to the world, ensures love among all humans, and serves as the genuine panacea for the global ailments.
Despite the fact that there are several Christian sites that focus on Christian teaching in order to serve the salvation of humanity, yet launching this Arabic-language website which is destined for the Arabic-language speakers helps rectify the prevailing pugnacious mentality that is pummeling the Middle East countries and peoples and that is ensuring them a bleak future which seemingly has no end.
It is to be admitted that world peoples are unwarily straying off the right direction they should opt, as materialism forestalls everything else. It is the right time to follow the right track in life that leads to salivation.
But the question that arises is how to find the right path in life? The right path in life stems from love because loves breeds goodness.
Lord Jesus wants our lives to overflow with mercy, love, and compassion, which are the marks of His Kingdom. As followers of Jesus, we have a choice to respond to unsettling realities in fear and withdraw, or follow Him in responding to the greatest needs of our day with love and hope. We know salvation doesn’t depend on works, but we also know that caring for those in need is evidence of a faith that changes lives.
Actually the world is thirsty for the word of God which leads to safety. The upcoming launching of this new website will be a blessed step guided by the Holy Spirit, seeking the betterment of the endless problems experienced by various nations, and shedding light on the various invaluable details relevant to Christian faith.