I have always wanted to serve God —and I still do. As a child, I believed that the only way to fulfill this mission was by becoming a nun. I thought this was the sole path to helping others, bringing joy, and healing souls. This notion stemmed from my deep admiration for my teachers, most of whom were nuns. However, being Orthodox changed that plan.
Then, I believed that being thoughtful, present, and effective in people’s lives was a noble way to serve. The best path, I thought, was to follow in my father's footsteps and become a pediatrician. As a little girl, I loved accompanying my father on his morning rounds in the hospital's pediatric section. I cherished the attention and special care I received from the hospital staff and doctors. However, the children's groaning, crying, and wailing, coupled with the visible pain in their eyes and the agony on their parents' faces, proved too difficult to bear.
God created humans. He made only one unique version of each and every one of us that formed the life we live. Growing up, I realized that God endows us with gifts so we can make Him known, in countless ways, through our diverse lives; Da Vinci painted his famous painting, Last Supper, and Beethoven composed his magnificent Fifth Symphony. We honor these gifts by emphasizing righteousness, practicing, and making them visible in our everyday life.
This very idea led me to believe that as God's highest creation, designed in His image, we serve Him through obedience and by serving others. Serving God is not just a calling but an expectation; we are each called to do so in our own unique ways. Some become priests or teachers, others physical healers or soldiers.
In journalism, trustworthiness and integrity are the cornerstones of success. Quality and reliable media play a crucial role in providing accurate information, delivering good news, offering hope, and spreading peace to the public. Moreover, it addresses and counterbalances the rapid and widespread dissemination of disinformation.
As a Christian journalist and writer, my mission is to constantly seek and provide the truth. Scripture forms the foundation of my work, guiding me and offering clarity on many worldly issues.
Today's world is unprecedented. Life’s paths are countless, distractions are enormous, and the ups and downs are continuous. The lack of focus on righteousness has brought destruction to the world, hardened hearts, and left many miserable and undeveloped in their search for power and perfection. There is no human character more contemptible than that of a weak-willed sentimentalist and dreamer. Many have become just that, drifting through life in a sea of emotions and sensibility with few concrete deeds to their name.
In the midst of this confused world, I bring God and His teachings into the battleground of a desperate world, striving to be both salt and light. We can and will find our path and our personal way to serve humanity through love, thereby truly serving God.