Barcelona: Pope condemns the “inhumane act of blind violence”

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/20/2017 - 01:18

Pope Francis is greatly disturbed by the cruel terrorist attack that has struck Barcelona last night and once again condemns the blind violence affirming that it “is a great offence to the creator”. In a note issued by Vatican spokesman Greg Burke, the Pontiff said he had learned with great concern what had happened along the Rambla de Canaletes, just a short distance from Plaça de Catalunya, in the center of the city, where around 5 pm a white van swooped in at great speed on a crowd of tourists, killing and injuring several of them before crashing against a kiosk near Boqueria’s market.

Pope Bergoglio, reads the Vatican note, “prays for the victims of this attack and wishes to express his closeness to all the Spanish people, especially the wounded and families of the victims.” A prayer reiterated in a telegram sent today to the Archbishop of the Catalan city, Cardinal Juan José Omella, in which the Pope reaffirms “his deepest sympathy” for the victims of this “inhuman act”. Once again Pope Francis condemns the “blind violence” he defines a “great offence to the creator” and “raises prayers to the most high that he help us continue to work with determination for peace and harmony in the world”. A prayer for the 13 people killed and the about one hundred injured in a very serious manner, including some children.

The Islamic State claimed the attack that shocked a Spain already wounded thirteen years ago by the tremendous attack on March 11, 2004 in Madrid, when Al Qaeda killed almost 200 people and injured over 2,000.

While Prime Minister Rajoy announced three days of national mourning, a firm condemnation of the attack came from the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, which stands side by side with the Spanish People and the police, praying for the victim’s families. In a note from the General Secretariat, the bishops say, “In the face of this tragic and hideous act, the Spanish Bishops’ Conference wants to show first of all their closeness and prayer to all the victims and their families. We also want to express our support to society as a whole that is attacked with these actions, this time the citizens of Barcelona and the security forces.”

At the same time, the bishops continue, “we condemn any demonstration of terrorism, an intrinsically perverse practice, which is totally incompatible with a just and reasonable moral view of life. Not only does it seriously undermine the right to life and freedom, but it is proof of the harshest intolerance and totalitarianism”. “We urge all faithful - it is the call of the Spanish shepherds - to pray to God to grant eternal rest to the dead, to restore the health of the other victims, to give solace to the families and to fill with peace the heart of the people of good will”. And that “such repulsive actions may never be repeated.”

“Utterly dismayed” for this “barbarian act” are the eleven bishops of Catalonia, who in a statement condemn the attack “and its contempt for life and human dignity”. “No cause justifies the violence or death of anybody,” they write, and “entrust the victims to the mercy of God and express their solidarity to the people of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, a city that has always been committed to the cause of peace and justice.”

Archbishop Juan José Omella, nominated cardinal during last June Consistory, canceled the spiritual exercises he was doing and returned to the Catalan capital - “to be close during this terrible time of loss and grief.” - the diocese informs. His predecessor, Cardinal Lluis Martinez Sistach, strongly condemned the attack by expressing his solidarity.

The Union of Religious in Catalonia (Urc), which have strongly stigmatized “this and any terrorist act,” expressed its condolences to the victims’ families and to all those who have been involved in the massacre with the wish that they “find the strength and warmth to allow them to rebuild their lives”. The religious men also reaffirm their commitment to “continue to be builders of peace and harmony,” and emphasize, “We deeply believe that love, justice and peace are much stronger than hatred, violence, and destruction. With faith, we continue to pray and work to build the harmony that allows us to live together without anyone being afraid of anyone.”

Manresa’s group for interreligious dialogue summoned a prayer for peace on Saturday at 9 pm at the convent of Santa Clara. The friars of Assisi recalled the various deaths and those who suffer and suffered from terrorist attacks on the tomb of St. Francis this morning. “May Prayers from all corners of the world rise strong,” the Franciscans write on their site, “for the violence to end and the light of hope be switched on.”

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