Analysis: Will Christian Iraqis,'the original children of Iraq', return home?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 13:50

"Oh God, save Iraq and the Iraqis from wars, violence, persecution and all forms of viruses so that they can emerge out of these crises healthier and stronger. Amen"

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi has been quoted by the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) as saying that with the defeat of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq (IS), Iraqi Christian immigrants, 'the original children of the country' should return home. He added that he was serious about providing assistance to Christian families and solving their problems.

Kazemi continued, "We are glad that Christians will return to Iraq and contribute to its reconstruction. Iraqis of all sects are yearning for a new Iraq that believes in peace and rejects violence."

This statement made by Iraqi prime minister serves as a good omen as it expresses willingness to provide all possible help to facilitate the return of the largest number of Christian Iraqis who fled the country and want to return to Iraq.

The Christian Iraqis remain vital to Iraq’s diverse society despite their diminishing numbers. Yet, if there is going to be any hope for these people to return home, they have to be given them dignity, help them with shelters, as well as try to stabilize and rebuild their communities. For whether rich or poor, everyone lost everything they had worked for and owned.

Before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Christians numbered around 1.5 million, but sectarian attacks on churches in Baghdad and other areas soon followed, which made them dwindled to about 100,000.

Despite our optimism, it is to be asserted that if the international community does not take immediate action, then forced emigration could definitely decimate what remains of the Christian population in the Nineveh and could drop to 23,000 by 2024.

It is feared that the fanatical ideology continues to reign in many minds, and some people are still dreaming of driving all the Christians out of their historical dwelling places. This is the greatest fear which prevents Christians from returning to their former homes is that of seeing the renewed growth of extremism. All in all, peace in Iraq is the best remaining hope for its Christians.

The Christians want to live in an Iraq where they are treated with respect and not persecuted. They hope of being able to live in peace in their own country on the basis of equality of rights and duties, on exactly the same basis as the other Iraqis, and not as second-class citizens. They also demand equal opportunities at work and stress the need for the attainment of security, restoration of justice, rooting out rampant corruption, achieving freedom of religion and adequate representation in government, in addition to real economic opportunities and investment.

Expressing great concern over the exodus of minority Christians from Iraq and other parts of the Middle East because of violence, insecurity and persecution, Pope Benedict XVI had earlier said, “Today, tragically, Christians in this region are suffering both materially and spiritually. Particularly in Iraq, Christian families and communities are feeling increasing pressure from insecurity, aggression and a sense of abandonment. Many of them see no other possibility than to leave the country and seek a new future abroad. These difficulties are a source of great concern to me."

On the other hand, Pope Francis said earlier that the world continues to be silent in the face of widespread persecution of Christians and other religious minorities. He added that the victims of "fanaticism and intolerance are today's martyrs, murdered only for their fidelity to Christ." The Pope said he prayed for the refugees each day and recognizes "the witness of faith they offer us."

In light of the prevailing situation, it is important to look for the means that help in bringing into reality the Iraqi prime minister's intention to facilitate the return of the largest number of Christian Iraqis who fled the country and want to return to home. The Christian Iraqis are one of the jewels of the Middle East. Over the years, they enriched the region with their culture and provided a need for diversity that made Iraq look as one of the treasured jewels of the region.

May the Lord Jesus help the Christian Iraqis and facilitate their return to their homeland.

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By Munir Bayouk/